<><><> Features (In-Game Menu Skin) <><><> - This highly modded menu skin (Press "Esc" in-game to open), adds monitor resolution related options and in-game display options, along with some scripting developer-only options. - IMPORTANT : If you don't normally type in the console "set rconpassword PWORD" upon starting a server, or if an rconpassword isn't already set yet, change the rconpassword stuffcommand within zzzIn-game Menu Skin.pk3. Inside the file, go to the "ui" folder and open "mapswitch.urc" file. Scroll down a few lines to see "MAPS MENU (sets rconpassword) [Click This First]" and change the rconpassword in the stuffcommand "set rconpassword ...". - All non-cheat buttons/sliders on outermost menu: Join Allies, Join Axis, Kill Yourself, Spectator, Volume (must apply & close when done), Brightness (apply & close), Mouse Speed (apply & close), Disconnect, Choose Team, Main Menu, Quit Mohaa, Choose Weapon, MP Options, Toggle FPS, Toggle HUD, MP3 Menu, Lagometer, Change Servers, MAPS Menu, 1920 x 1080, 3840 x 2160, Fullscreen, Windowed, Disable All, Apply And Close. - All developer-only buttons on outermost menu (DO NOT USE ON PUBLIC SERVERS): 3rd Person (must apply & close when done), Show Entity Nums (must apply & close when done), Clay Mode On (r_picmip 10, to see through trees when developing), Clay Mode Off (r_picmip 0), Fullbright On, Fullbright Off, Toggle Developer (on/off), Lod Spawnlist. Make sure cheats = 1 and thereisnomonkey = 1 before using these buttons. There are 9 empty options next to "3rd Person" as well, in case you wants to add more features to the In-game Menu Skin. For any added options with orange 'X's, you must click "Apply And Close" after selecting them. - All buttons/sliders within the "MP3 Menu": Music Volume, Volume General, STOP, and 20 different music buttons. Clicking any of these, after turning up the Music Volume slider, will play music only for you while also playing MOHAA. - All buttons within the "MAPS Menu": "MAPS MENU (sets rconpassword) [Click This First]", Allow RBM, Allow TDM, Allow OBJ, Allow FFA, and 26 different maps buttons (10 are still empty). If an rconpassword is not already set, then choosing a map will not work unless you click the [Click This First] button (once set, you won't need to click it again). The 4 yellow "Allow" buttons change the g_gametype of the server. These must be clicked before switching a map if you need to change the g_gametype first. For example: in a TDM match on mohdm1, you cannot switch to obj_team3 without first clicking "Allow OBJ". Sometimes, you may need to click these buttons twice to get MOHAA to switch maps. <><><> <><><>