main local.origin: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// level.jetpack_max_fuel = 200 // set max fuel level.fueltime_charge = 2.0 // how long while player is on the ground, until fuel increases by 1. level.fueltime_float = 0.5 // how long while player is floating in the air, until fuel decreases by 1. level.fueltime_thrust = 0.1 // how long while player is thrusting (holding USE offground), until fuel decreases by 1 (all 3 cannot be lower than 0.1 seconds). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// level.fueltime_charge = level.fueltime_charge * 10 level.fueltime_float = level.fueltime_float * 10 level.fueltime_thrust = level.fueltime_thrust * 10 if(local.origin==NIL) { iprintlnbold ("ERROR: jetpack - no origin"); end } local.airtank = spawn trigger_multiple local.airtank model "static/static_airtank.tik" local.airtank.origin = local.origin + ( 0 0 15 ) local.airtank setsize ( -40 -40 -40 ) ( 40 40 40 ) local.airtank.scale = .75 local.airtank show //local.airtank notsolid // notsolid and ghost don't work with setthreads. if the model is a spawned trigger, then it's notsolid by default. //local.airtank ghost //local.airtank light 1 1 0 125 local.airtank.wait = 1 local.airtank2 = spawn script_model local.airtank2 model "static/static_airtank.tik" local.airtank2.origin = local.origin + ( 0 0 15 ) local.airtank2.scale = .75 local.airtank2 notsolid //local.airtank2 light 1 0 0 50 local.airtank setthread fly level waittill spawn local.airtank.targetname = ("jetpacktrig" + local.airtank.entnum) local.airtank2.targetname = (local.airtank.targetname + "_2") exec global/flickerrotate.scr local.airtank.targetname ( .9 .9 0 ) 125 10 10 5 wait 1 exec global/flickerrotate.scr local.airtank2.targetname ( .9 0 0 ) 50 10 5 5 1 end fly: local.player = parm.other if(local.player.using_pack != 1 && local.player.isdog != 1 && local.player.OWNS != 1) { local.player thread airtank // Give the player an airtank local.player thread jetpack // start the main loop, check for player stuff } else if(local.player.using_pack == 1 ) { local.player.jetpack.fuel = level.jetpack_max_fuel local.player stufftext ("set fuel " + level.jetpack_max_fuel ) } else if(local.player.isdog == 1) { local.player iprint ("Dogs cannot carry jetpacks.") } end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// jetpack: if(self.using_pack_already == 1) { end //already running the rest so go home. } self.using_pack_already = 1 //set them to using a jetpack in this script self.jetpack.fuel = level.jetpack_max_fuel // set fuel at numbers. local.a = 0 local.b = 0 local.c = 0 = self.dmteam // Set team while(self.jetpack.fuel > 0 && self.dmteam == && isalive self && self != NULL) //start main loop { wait 0.1 if(self.flying == 1 || self.missile != NIL || self.isdog == 1) { break } // if the player gets into a plane, or guided missile, or becomes a dog, remove the jetpack. local.position = self getposition // these are found in global/ (moveposflags "movement" "position") local.movement = self getmovement // note: after jumping, position = crouching for about 0.25 seconds before position = offground. // it's fast enough, so "if player's z-origin is greater than old z-origin, then position = offground" is not needed. if(self.useheld != 1 && local.position == offground) { self stoploopsound self stopsound self loopsound jetpack self.jetpack.smoke[1] anim start self.jetpack.smoke[2] anim start self.jetpack.smoke[1].scale = 0.2 self.jetpack.smoke[2].scale = 0.2 self gravity .2 if(local.b >= level.fueltime_float && self.jetpack.fuel > 0) { self.jetpack.fuel-- } } if(self.useheld == 1 && local.position == offground) { self stoploopsound self thread jetpack_thrust self.jetpack.smoke[1] anim start self.jetpack.smoke[2] anim start self.jetpack.smoke[1].scale = 1.0 // some effect on smoke, make it big and puffy self.jetpack.smoke[2].scale = 1.0 self.velocity += self.upvector * 27 // if 20 or lower, player cannot fly upwards very well self.velocity += self.forwardvector * 27 // if 35 or higher, player flies a bit too fast self gravity .2 // got rid of leftvector and rightvector, so player must rotate himself to change thrust direction. if(local.c >= level.fueltime_thrust && self.jetpack.fuel > 0) { self.jetpack.fuel-- } } if(local.position != offground) { self stoploopsound self.jetpack.smoke[1] anim stop self.jetpack.smoke[2] anim stop self gravity 1 if(local.a >= level.fueltime_charge && self.jetpack.fuel < level.jetpack_max_fuel) { self.jetpack.fuel++ } } if(self.jetpack.fuel <= 0 ) { self stufftext ("set fuel Empty") } if(self.jetpack.fuel >= 0 && self.jetpack.fuel <= level.jetpack_max_fuel ) { self stufftext ("set fuel " + self.jetpack.fuel) } if(local.a >= level.fueltime_charge) { local.a = 0 } if(local.a < level.fueltime_charge) { local.a++ } // all timers are set here, 10x per second thanks to "wait 0.1". if(local.b >= level.fueltime_float) { local.b = 0 } if(local.b < level.fueltime_float) { local.b++ } if(local.c >= level.fueltime_thrust) { local.c = 0 } if(local.c < level.fueltime_thrust) { local.c++ } } self gravity 1 self stoploopsound thread delete_tank // "self thread ..." not required when starting new threads, since "self" is already included in the "jetpack" thread. self.using_pack = 0 self.using_pack_already = 0 if( == "AA") //hide the hud { self stufftext "hidemenu dday1" self stufftext "hidemenu dday2" //self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 virtualres 0" //self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 fullscreen 0" self stufftext "hidemenu credits1" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits2 name credits1" } else { self stufftext "hidemenu bastogne2" self stufftext "hidemenu bastogne1" //self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 virtualres 0" //self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 fullscreen 0" self stufftext "hidemenu credits1" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits2 name credits1" } end jetpack_thrust: // play the thrust sound rapidly. much faster than playing every 0.1 seconds, and sounds better. if(self.thrusting == 1) { end } local.temp = spawn script_model // need a temp script model to spam playsound, but stopsound does not immediately stop the sound. local.temp model "static/corona_util.tik" // since all these playsounds will be combining together, you don't want this model to be around long enough for anyone to hear that loud noise. local.temp.origin = self gettagposition "Bip01 Spine" // the model is deleted when thrusting is done, the only way to immediately stopsound. local.temp.scale = 0.001 local.temp notsolid local.temp light 1 1 1 60 local.temp glue self self.thrusting = 1 = self.dmteam local.position = self getposition while(self.useheld == 1 && local.position == offground && self.using_pack == 1 && self.dmteam == && isalive self && self != NULL) { local.position = self getposition local.temp playsound jetpack_thrust waitframe } local.temp remove self.thrusting = 0 end delete_tank: self.jetpack.smoke[1] delete self.jetpack.smoke[2] delete self.jetpack.twin delete self.jetpack delete end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// airtank: if(self.using_pack == 1) { end } self.using_pack = 1 self iprint "Slowly charge while grounded. Full recharge at the trigger." self iprint "*** Jump + hold USE to use the jetpack. ***" //Inform them on how to use the damn thing local.model = "models/static/static_airtank.tik" //think i whent a little bit over the top here(A) self attachmodel local.model "Bip01 Spine" 0.5 ("Pairtank" + self.entnum ) 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ( 25 -5 3 ) $("Pairtank" + self.entnum ).angles = ( 270 0 4 ) self attachmodel local.model "Bip01 Spine" 0.5 ("Pairtank2" + self.entnum ) 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ( 25 -5 -4 ) $("Pairtank2" + self.entnum ).angles = ( 270 0 3 ) /* causes vertex error , looks gd but cant be bothered with spam local.model = "models/static/switch2.tik" self attachmodel local.model "Bip01 Spine" 0.5 "airswitch2" 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ( 15 -5 -1 ) $airswitch2.angles = ( 180 90 90 ) local.model = "models/static/switch1.tik" self attachmodel local.model "Bip01 Spine" 0.5 "airswitch" 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ( 21 -7 -1 ) $airswitch.angles = ( 180 90 90 ) */ local.model = "emitters/pipe_steam.tik" self attachmodel local.model "Bip01 Spine" 0.1 ("tankemitter" + self.entnum ) 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ( 0 -10 3 ) $("tankemitter" + self.entnum ).angles = ( -15 -180 0 ) $("tankemitter" + self.entnum ) anim stop local.model = "emitters/pipe_steam.tik" self attachmodel local.model "Bip01 Spine" 0.1 ("tankemitter2" + self.entnum ) 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ( 0 -10 -4 ) $("tankemitter2" + self.entnum ).angles = ( 15 -180 0 ) $("tankemitter2" + self.entnum ) anim stop local.smoke = $("tankemitter" + self.entnum ) local.smoke2 = $("tankemitter2" + self.entnum ) $("Pairtank" + self.entnum ).smoke = ( local.smoke::local.smoke2 ) //$Pairtank.switches = ( $airswitch2::$airswitch ) //associate these models with the tank so we can delete them all later $("Pairtank" + self.entnum ).twin = $("Pairtank2" + self.entnum ) //associate the second tank with first. self.jetpack = $("Pairtank" + self.entnum ) //associate these models with the player thread display //display a widget statebar fuel hud end display: if( != "AA") { thread display_sh; end } self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand dday1 shader townhallwindow" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand dday1 fgcolor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand dday1 bgcolor 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand dday1 fadein 0" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand dday1 menu dday1 640 480 NONE 0" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand dday1 virtualres 1" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand dday1 fullscreen 1" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand june6 borderstyle NONE" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand june6 shader textures/hud/healthback" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand june6 rect 16 420 16 64" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand june6 fgcolor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand june6 bgcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand june6 linkcvar fuel" self stufftext ("globalwidgetcommand june6 statbar vertical 0 " + level.jetpack_max_fuel ) self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand june6 statbar_shader textures/hud/healthmeter" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand june6 statbar_shader_flash textures/hud/healthmeterflash" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand dday2 fgcolor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand dday2 bgcolor 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand dday2 fadein 0" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand dday2 menu dday2 640 480 NONE 0" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand dday2 virtualres 1" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand dday2 fullscreen 1" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand charliesector borderstyle NONE" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand charliesector textalign left " self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand charliesector rect 40 470 150 20" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand charliesector fgcolor 0.70 0.60 0.05 1.00" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand charliesector bgcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand charliesector linkcvar fuel" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand charliesector font facfont-20" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand charliesector shader townhallwindow" //clear things just incase self stufftext "hidemenu credits1" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits2 name credits1" //now we deal with credits1 waitframe //setup credits to use the inner credits1 //first setup the credits1 self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 align left bottom" //self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 virtualres 1" //self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 fullscreen 1" //self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 rect 0 0 640 480" //self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 fgcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00" //self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 bgcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00" //change outer name to credits2 self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 name credits2" waitframe //now we can change the inner credits1 self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 fgcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 bgcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 shader townhallwindow" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 textalign left " self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 rect 10 270 150 20" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 fgcolor 0.70 0.60 0.05 1.00" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 bgcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 linkcvar fuel_message" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 font facfont-20" self stufftext "showmenu dday2" self stufftext "showmenu dday1" self stufftext "showmenu credits1" self stufftext ("set fuel_message Jetpack") self stufftext ("set fuel " + level.jetpack_max_fuel ) end display_sh: self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne1 shader townhallwindow" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne1 fgcolor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne1 bgcolor 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne1 fadein 0" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne1 menu bastogne1 640 480 NONE 0" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne1 virtualres 1" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne1 fullscreen 1" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand june6 borderstyle NONE" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand june6 shader textures/hud/healthback" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand june6 rect 16 420 16 64" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand june6 fgcolor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand june6 bgcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand june6 linkcvar fuel" self stufftext ("globalwidgetcommand june6 statbar vertical 0 " + level.jetpack_max_fuel ) self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand june6 statbar_shader textures/hud/healthmeter" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand june6 statbar_shader_flash textures/hud/healthmeterflash" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne2 fgcolor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne2 bgcolor 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne2 fadein 0" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne2 menu dday2 640 480 NONE 0" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne2 virtualres 1" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne2 fullscreen 1" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand charliesector borderstyle NONE" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand charliesector textalign left " self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand charliesector rect 40 470 150 20" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand charliesector fgcolor 0.70 0.60 0.05 1.00" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand charliesector bgcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand charliesector linkcvar fuel" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand charliesector font facfont-20" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand charliesector shader townhallwindow" //clear things just incase self stufftext "hidemenu credits1" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits2 name credits1" //now we deal with credits1 waitframe //setup credits to use the inner credits1 //first setup the credits1 self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 align left bottom" //self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 virtualres 1" //self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 fullscreen 1" //self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 rect 0 0 640 480" //self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 fgcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00" //self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 bgcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00" //change outer name to credits2 self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 name credits2" waitframe //now we can change the inner credits1 self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 fgcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 bgcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 shader townhallwindow" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 textalign left " self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 rect 10 270 150 20" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 fgcolor 0.70 0.60 0.05 1.00" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 bgcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 linkcvar fuel_message" self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 font facfont-20" self stufftext "showmenu bastogne2" self stufftext "showmenu bastogne1" self stufftext "showmenu credits1" self stufftext ("set fuel_message Jetpack") self stufftext ("set fuel " + level.jetpack_max_fuel ) end