main local.origin0 local.origin1 local.origin2 local.origin3 local.origin4 local.origin5 local.origin6 local.origin7 local.origin8 local.origin9: level.spot_health[0] = ( local.origin0 ) + ( 0 0 15 ) level.spot_health[1] = ( local.origin1 ) + ( 0 0 15 ) level.spot_health[2] = ( local.origin2 ) + ( 0 0 15 ) level.spot_health[3] = ( local.origin3 ) + ( 0 0 15 ) level.spot_health[4] = ( local.origin4 ) + ( 0 0 15 ) level.spot_health[5] = ( local.origin5 ) + ( 0 0 15 ) level.spot_health[6] = ( local.origin6 ) + ( 0 0 15 ) level.spot_health[7] = ( local.origin7 ) + ( 0 0 15 ) level.spot_health[8] = ( local.origin8 ) + ( 0 0 15 ) level.spot_health[9] = ( local.origin9 ) + ( 0 0 15 ) local.random = randomint(level.spot_health.size ) local.randomold = local.random local.marker = spawn script_model targetname "health_boosttrig" local.marker model "items/item_50_healthbox.tik" local.marker.origin = level.spot_health[local.random] local.marker.angles = ( 0 0 0 ) local.marker scale 1.5 //local.marker light 0 0 1 45 local.marker notsolid //local.marker time 15 //local.marker thread Rotatex local.marker2 = spawn script_model targetname "health_boosttrig_2" local.marker2 model "items/item_25_healthbox.tik" local.marker2.origin = level.spot_health[local.random] + ( 0 0 10 ) local.marker2.angles = ( 0 0 0 ) local.marker2 scale 1.5 //local.marker2 light 0 1 0 100 local.marker2 notsolid //local.marker2 time 15 //local.marker2 thread Rotatexx local.trig = spawn trigger_use local.trig.origin = level.spot_health[local.random] local.trig setsize ( -30 -30 -20 ) ( 30 30 50 ) local.trig message "*** Gained +200 health... ****" local.trig setthread health-start exec global/flickerrotate.scr health_boosttrig ( 0 0 .85 ) 50 5 5 15 wait 1 exec global/flickerrotate.scr health_boosttrig_2 ( 0 .85 0 ) 100 5 15 5 1 while(1) { local.trig waittill trigger local.marker hide local.marker2 hide local.trig nottriggerable local.randomold = local.random local.random = randomint(level.spot_health.size ) if(local.randomold == local.random) { local.random = randomint(level.spot_health.size) // let's make it damn near impossible to randomize the same location. if(local.randomold == local.random) { local.random = randomint(level.spot_health.size) // if there's 10 origins, we have to guess the right spot 10 times. if(local.randomold == local.random) { local.random = randomint(level.spot_health.size) // 10^5 = 1 in 100,000 chance. if(local.randomold == local.random) { local.random = randomint(level.spot_health.size) if(local.randomold == local.random) { local.random = randomint(level.spot_health.size) } } } } } local.marker.origin = level.spot_health[local.random] local.marker2.origin = level.spot_health[local.random] local.trig.origin = level.spot_health[local.random] wait 0.1 local.marker show local.marker2 show local.trig triggerable } end health-start: local.player = parm.other local.player volumedamage -200 //local.player stufftext "say *** +200 Health Spot is on the move!!! ***" local.player playsound healingnoise local.player playsound healingnoise2 local.trig triggerable end Rotatex: while(self) { self.angles = (self.angles + ( 05 -03 07 )) waitframe } end Rotatexx: while(self) { self.angles = (self.angles + ( -05 03 -07 )) waitframe } end