spotted local.r local.g local.b: if(self.packon == 1) { self iprint ("You have already been spotted!") end } self.packon = 1 //self thread global/messagetrig_print.scr::message "*** Avoid spotlight beams on the ground! ***" 1 self iprint ("*** Avoid spotlight beams on the ground! ***") self iprint ("Enemies can see you more easily with the bright light below you.") local.static = spawn script_model local.static model "items/cigarette.tik" local.static.scale = 0.001 local.static.origin = self.origin local.static notsolid local.static light local.r local.g local.b 200 //local.static light (randomfloat 90 / 100 + 0.1) (randomfloat 90 / 100 + 0.1) (randomfloat 90 / 100 + 0.1) 200 local.static glue self local.random2 = randomint(3) if(local.random2 == 0) { self playsound spotlighttrap1 } if(local.random2 == 1) { self playsound spotlighttrap2 } if(local.random2 == 2) { self playsound spotlighttrap3 } = self.dmteam while(isalive self && self.dmteam == && self.dmteam != "spectator" && self != NULL) { wait 0.1 } local.static unglue self iprint ("The spotlight LED has been removed.") self.packon = 0 local.static remove end