main: setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext1" "m5l2a" setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext3" "" setcvar "g_obj_axistext1" "Created by:" setcvar "g_obj_axistext2" "Searingwolfe" setcvar "g_obj_axistext3" "" setcvar "g_scoreboardpic" "m5l2a" setcvar "fraglimit" "0" setcvar "timelimit" "50" setcvar "cheats" "0" setcvar "thereisnomonkey" "0" setcvar "maxentities" "5000" setcvar "dmrespawning" "1" setcvar "dmroundlimit" "20" setcvar "level.clockside" "kills" //exec alienx/basebuild.scr::main 800 1000 250 1 1 0 0 if((getcvar("g_gametype") == "2")) { setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext2" "UBER Team Deathmatch v7.0" setcvar "g_gametypestring" "Team-Match UBER" setcvar "g_gametype" "2" exec alienx/hud_tdm.scr::main thread tdm_spawns spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "1782 -836 392" "angle" "49" // for spectators when joining game spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "4608 1736 381" "angle" "112" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "197 3305 513" "angle" "12" } else { setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext2" "UBER Free-For-All v7.0" setcvar "g_gametypestring" "Free-For-All UBER" setcvar "g_gametype" "1" exec alienx/hud_ffa.scr::main thread ffa_spawns } waitthread setup level waittill prespawn //allies exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 3294.59 -3929.38 185.54 ) "static/indycrate.tik" 1 0 1 0 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 3294.59 -3829.38 185.54 ) "static/indycrate.tik" 1 1 0 1 90 .5 1 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 3294.59 -3729.38 185.54 ) "statweapons/mg42_gun.tik" 1 1 0 0 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 3294.59 -3629.38 185.54 ) "static/sandbag_link_main.tik" 1 0 0 1 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 3294.59 -3529.38 185.54 ) "static/bodies_tarp.tik" 1 1 0 1 90 .5 1 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 3294.59 -3429.38 185.54 ) "static/bunkertable.tik" 1 1 1 0 90 .5 0 1 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 3294.59 -3329.38 185.54 ) "static/barbwire.tik" 1 0 1 1 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 3294.59 -3229.38 185.54 ) "static/cabinet_large.tik" 1 1 1 1 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 3294.59 -3129.38 220.54 ) "static/sandbag_longsegment.tik" 1 1 1 1 90 .2 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 3294.59 -3029.38 220.54 ) "static/bodies_tarp.tik" 1 1 1 1 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 3294.59 -2929.38 220.54 ) "static/static_naziflag1.tik" 1 1 1 1 90 .2 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 3294.59 -2829.38 220.54 ) "static/bookcase.tik" 1 1 0 1 90 .2 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 3294.59 -2729.38 220.54 ) "static/bush_full.tik" 1 0 1 1 90 .5 0 0 1end exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 3294.59 -2629.38 220.54 ) "static/banquet_table.tik" 1 1 0 0 90 .5 0 0 1 //both exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 1319.36 4481.82 284.69 ) "static/indycrate.tik" 1 0 1 0 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 1419.36 4481.82 284.69 ) "static/indycrate.tik" 1 1 0 1 90 .5 1 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 1519.36 4481.82 234.69 ) "statweapons/mg42_gun.tik" 1 1 0 0 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 1619.36 4481.82 234.69 ) "static/sandbag_link_main.tik" 1 0 0 1 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 1719.36 4481.82 234.69 ) "static/bodies_tarp.tik" 1 1 0 1 90 .5 1 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 1819.36 4481.82 234.69 ) "static/bunkertable.tik" 1 1 1 0 90 .5 0 1 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 1919.36 4481.82 234.69 ) "static/barbwire.tik" 1 0 1 1 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 2019.36 4481.82 234.69 ) "static/cabinet_large.tik" 1 1 1 1 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 2119.36 4481.82 234.69 ) "static/sandbag_longsegment.tik" 1 1 1 1 90 .2 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 2219.36 4481.82 234.69 ) "static/bodies_tarp.tik" 1 1 1 1 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 2319.36 4481.82 234.69 ) "static/static_naziflag1.tik" 1 1 1 1 90 .2 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 2419.36 4481.82 234.69 ) "static/bookcase.tik" 1 1 0 1 90 .2 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 2519.36 4481.82 234.69 ) "static/bush_full.tik" 1 0 1 1 90 .5 0 0 1end exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( 2619.36 4481.82 234.69 ) "static/banquet_table.tik" 1 1 0 0 90 .5 0 0 1 //axis exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4215.58 6479.77 213.92 ) "static/indycrate.tik" 1 0 1 0 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4215.58 6379.77 213.92 ) "static/indycrate.tik" 1 1 0 1 90 .5 1 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4215.58 6279.77 213.92 ) "statweapons/mg42_gun.tik" 1 1 0 0 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4215.58 6179.77 213.92 ) "static/sandbag_link_main.tik" 1 0 0 1 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4215.58 6079.77 233.92 ) "static/bodies_tarp.tik" 1 1 0 1 90 .5 1 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4215.58 5979.77 253.92 ) "static/bunkertable.tik" 1 1 1 0 90 .5 0 1 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4215.58 5879.77 253.92 ) "static/barbwire.tik" 1 0 1 1 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4215.58 5779.77 253.92 ) "static/cabinet_large.tik" 1 1 1 1 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4215.58 5679.77 253.92 ) "static/sandbag_longsegment.tik" 1 1 1 1 90 .2 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4215.58 5579.77 253.92 ) "static/bodies_tarp.tik" 1 1 1 1 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4215.58 5479.77 253.92 ) "static/static_naziflag1.tik" 1 1 1 1 90 .2 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4215.58 5379.77 253.92 ) "static/bookcase.tik" 1 1 0 1 90 .2 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4215.58 5279.77 253.92 ) "static/bush_full.tik" 1 0 1 1 90 .5 0 0 1end exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4215.58 5179.77 253.92 ) "static/banquet_table.tik" 1 1 0 0 90 .5 0 0 1 exec global/dog.scr ( 1966 4623 279 ) ( 0 0 0 ) 15 10 //*** precache dm stuff //exec global/DMprecache.scr exec global/aliascache_triggersounds.scr level.dmrespawning = 1 level.script = maps/m5l2a.scr exec global/ambient.scr m5l2a exec global/loadout.scr "maps/m5l2a.scr" exec global/door_locked.scr exec global/exploder.scr exec global/barrel.scr::explosive_barrel exec global/bomber.scr setcvar "r_fastsky" "0" $world farplane 150000 $world farplane_color ( 1 1 1 ) exec map_triggers/health.scr ( 2644 -560 277 ) ( 1050 -266 206 ) ( 943 183 168 ) ( 2315 1101 377 ) ( 4192 -808 209 ) ( 3111 1832 238 ) ( 5088 1158 240 ) ( 1583 4928 288 ) ( -5447 2549 222 ) ( 4043 4426 260 ) level waittill spawn end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// setup: $explodertrigger immune bullet $explodertrigger immune fastbullet $explodertrigger immune bash $explodertrigger thread setuptype waitthread furniture removeclass actor removeclass ammoentity local.master = spawn scriptmaster local.master aliascache fire_med sound/amb/fire.wav soundparms 1.2 0.0 1.0 0.0 160 1600 auto loaded maps "m dm moh obj train" local.master aliascache gas_explode1 sound/weapons/explo/Explo_GasTank1.wav soundparms 0.9 0.2 0.8 0.4 700 8000 auto loaded maps "m dm moh obj train" local.master aliascache mine_trigger sound/weapons/foley/MineTrigger1.wav soundparms 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 100 2000 item loaded maps "m3l1 m3l3 dm moh obj train" local.master aliascache arty_leadin2 sound/weapons/explo/Exp_LeadIn_07.wav soundparms 8.5 5.2 0.7 0.5 2160 4600 auto loaded maps "m dm obj " local.master aliascache arty_leadin08 sound/weapons/explo/Exp_LeadIn_07.wav soundparms 6.8 0.2 0.7 0.5 900 20000 local loaded maps "m dm obj" level.springfield = 1 = 1 level.bazooka = 1 level.panzer = 1 level.mp44 = 1 level.shotgun = 1 level.rifle = 1 end // Re-arrange some things for better gameplay / cover/ fx :) furniture: $s3_flak88 thread global/vehicles_thinkers.scr::enemy_flak_think 100 $s3_halftrak notsolid $s3_halftrak.origin = ( 4813.31 2931.89 152.25 ) $s3_halftrak.angle = -136 $s3_halftrak thread global/vehicles_thinkers.scr::enemy_half-trak_think 800 $mg42_1 remove $mg42_2 remove $mg42_1_bipod remove $mg42_2_bipod remove $s5_tank.origin = ( 4352.84 4017.35 289.30 ) $s5_tank.angle = -32 $s5_tank setcollisionentity $panzer_mask $s10_tank1.origin = ( 3766.01 3168.90 202.63 ) $s10_tank1.angle = 180 $s10_tank1 setcollisionentity $panzer_mask $s10_tank2.origin = ( 2630.77 4390.92 212.57 ) $s10_tank2.angle = -23 $s10_tank2 setcollisionentity $tank_mask $playertank.origin = ( 3926.03 328.38 169.97 ) $playertank.angle = 62 $playertank setcollisionentity $t472 $s5_tank thread tankdeath panzer $s10_tank1 thread tankdeath panzer $s10_tank2 thread tankdeath empty_tiger $playertank thread tankdeath empty_king $panzer_mask solid $panzer_mask nodamage $tank_mask solid $tank_mask nodamage $t472 solid $t472 nodamage // Allies notsolid Rubble Blocker ( Some Rubble that isnt solid near Allied Spawn - player falls under map - best left blocked ) spawn script_object "targetname" "blocker1" $blocker1.origin = ( 1529.93 -482.94 241.53 ) $blocker1 setsize ( -140 -140 -100 ) ( 140 140 50 ) $blocker1 solid $blocker1 nodamage // Allies Rear Blocker ( Out of Bounds Blocker - Down Lane) spawn script_object "targetname" "blocker2" $blocker2.origin = ( 2833.49 -2746.24 188.10 ) $blocker2 setsize ( -1000 -1 -100 ) (1000 1 500 ) $blocker2 solid $blocker2 nodamage //Axis out of Bounds Blocker - Road out of town spawn script_object "targetname" "blocker3" $blocker3.origin = ( -256.71 1694.76 310.60 ) $blocker3 setsize ( -1200 -1 -100 ) ( 1200 1 500 ) $blocker3 solid $blocker3 nodamage //Axis out of bounds Blocker 2 - behind Tank traps spawn script_object "targetname" "blocker4" $blocker4.origin = ( 7040.32 4667.81 201.26 ) $blocker4 setsize ( -1100 -1 -100 ) ( 1100 300 500 ) $blocker4 solid $blocker4 nodamage thread FX end // Attempt at stopping players shooting the exploder triggers setuptype: self health 3000 end FX: spawn script_origin "origin" "2696.08 299.59 1187.12" "targetname" "speaker1" spawn script_origin "origin" "4158.43 1484.85 1187.12" "targetname" "speaker2" spawn script_origin "origin" "2731.93 4615.59 1263.65" "targetname" "speaker3" // let the players watch the Village + Armour get blown to pieces as they play :) wait 10 $speaker2 playsound arty_leadin08 wait .4 $pole1 thread spawn_fx2 models/animate/explosion_bridge.tik wait .3 $pole1 playsound m5l2a_pole_fall $pole1 time 1 $pole1 notsolid $pole1 rotatezdown 85 $pole1 waitmove wait 7 $speaker2 playsound arty_leadin08 wait .7 $s3_halftrak thread spawn_fx models/animate/explosion_bridge.tik wait 10 $building1_damage_volume volumedamage 400 $speaker1 playsound arty_leadin08 wait 1 $building1_damage_volume thread spawn_fx models/animate/explosion_bridge.tik exec global/exploder.scr::explode 2 wait 7 $t31 playsound arty_leadin08 wait 1 exec global/exploder.scr::explode 1 wait 20 $speaker2 playsound arty_leadin08 wait .5 exec global/exploder.scr::explode 4 wait 9 $speaker1 playsound arty_leadin08 wait .7 $playertank thread spawn_fx models/animate/explosion_bridge.tik wait 20 $t202 playsound arty_leadin08 wait 1 $t202 thread spawn_fx models/animate/explosion_bridge.tik exec global/exploder.scr::explode 21 wait 15 $speaker3 playsound arty_leadin08 wait .6 $s10_tank2 thread spawn_fx models/animate/explosion_bridge.tik wait 5 $building2_damage_volume volumedamage 400 $building2_damage_volume playsound arty_leadin08 wait 1 $building2_damage_volume thread spawn_fx models/animate/explosion_bridge.tik exec global/exploder.scr::explode 12 wait 9 $speaker2 playsound arty_leadin08 wait .4 $pole2 thread spawn_fx2 models/animate/explosion_bridge.tik wait .3 $pole2 playsound m5l2a_pole_fall $pole2 time 1 $pole2 notsolid $pole2 rotatezdown 85 $pole2 waitmove wait 11 $building3_damage_volume volumedamage 400 $building3_damage_volume playsound arty_leadin08 wait 1 $building3_damage_volume thread spawn_fx models/animate/explosion_bridge.tik exec global/exploder.scr::explode 11 wait 14 $speaker3 playsound arty_leadin08 wait .6 $s5_tank thread spawn_fx models/animate/explosion_bridge.tik wait 25 $speaker2 playsound arty_leadin08 wait .5 exec global/exploder.scr::explode 17 wait 30 $building4_damage_volume volumedamage 400 $speaker2 playsound arty_leadin08 wait 1 $building4_damage_volume thread spawn_fx models/animate/explosion_bridge.tik exec global/exploder.scr::explode 16 wait 9 $speaker2 playsound arty_leadin08 wait .5 $s10_tank1 thread spawn_fx models/animate/explosion_bridge.tik wait 25 $building5_damage_volume volumedamage 400 $building5_damage_volume playsound arty_leadin08 wait 1 $building5_damage_volume thread spawn_fx models/animate/explosion_bridge.tik exec global/exploder.scr::explode 18 wait 15 $building6_damage_volume volumedamage 400 $building6_damage_volume playsound arty_leadin08 wait 1 $building6_damage_volume thread spawn_fx models/animate/explosion_bridge.tik exec global/exploder.scr::explode 12 wait 26 $speaker2 playsound arty_leadin08 wait .4 $pole3 thread spawn_fx2 models/animate/explosion_bridge.tik wait .3 $pole3 playsound m5l2a_pole_fall $pole3 time 1 $pole3 notsolid $pole3 rotatezdown 85 $pole3 waitmove wait 11 $speaker1 playsound arty_leadin08 wait 1 exec global/exploder.scr::explode 23 wait 20 $speaker1 playsound arty_leadin08 wait .5 exec global/exploder.scr::explode 15 wait 20 $speaker2 playsound arty_leadin08 wait .5 exec global/exploder.scr::explode 14 wait 15 $speaker3 playsound arty_leadin08 wait .5 exec global/exploder.scr::explode 13 wait 30 $speaker2 playsound arty_leadin08 wait .5 exec global/exploder.scr::explode 24 wait 10 $speaker1 playsound arty_leadin08 wait .5 exec global/exploder.scr::explode 6 wait 35 $speaker2 playsound arty_leadin08 wait .5 exec global/exploder.scr::explode 19 wait 19 $speaker3 playsound arty_leadin08 wait .5 exec global/exploder.scr::explode 22 wait 39 $speaker3 playsound arty_leadin08 wait .5 exec global/exploder.scr::explode 20 end tankdeath local.type: self.type = local.type = 400 self removeondeath 0 self waittill death self thread switch_em end switch_em: self playsound explode_tank switch (self.type) { case panzer: self thread spawn_fx models/emitters/explosion_tank.tik self thread spawn_fx models/animate/explosion_bridge.tik self.model = models/vehicles/panzer_iv_eud.tik local.get_out = 0 exec global/earthquake.scr .2 4 0 0 self.gun = self QueryTurretSlotEntity 0 self.gun2 = self QueryTurretSlotEntity 1 if (self.gun) { self DetachTurretSlot 0 self.gun remove } if (self.gun2) { self DetachTurretSlot 1 self.gun2 remove } break case empty_tiger: self thread spawn_fx models/emitters/explosion_tank.tik self thread spawn_fx models/animate/explosion_bridge.tik self.model = models/vehicles/tigertank_d.tik local.get_out = 0 exec global/earthquake.scr .2 4 0 0 self.gun = self QueryTurretSlotEntity 0 self.gun2 = self QueryTurretSlotEntity 1 if (self.gun) { self DetachTurretSlot 0 self.gun remove } if (self.gun2) { self DetachTurretSlot 1 self.gun2 remove } break case empty_king: self thread spawn_fx models/emitters/explosion_tank.tik self thread spawn_fx models/animate/explosion_bridge.tik self.model = models/vehicles/kingtank_all_d.tik local.get_out = 0 exec global/earthquake.scr .2 4 0 0 self.gun = self QueryTurretSlotEntity 0 self.gun2 = self QueryTurretSlotEntity 1 if (self.gun) { self DetachTurretSlot 0 self.gun remove } if (self.gun2) { self DetachTurretSlot 1 self.gun2 remove } break } end spawn_fx local.fx: local.temp = spawn script_model model local.fx local.temp.origin = self.origin local.temp.scale = 1 local.temp playsound gas_explode1 local.temp anim start radiusdamage local.temp 600 900 wait 3 local.temp remove end spawn_fx2 local.fx: local.temp = spawn script_model model local.fx local.temp.origin = self.origin local.temp.scale = .7 local.temp playsound gas_explode1 local.temp anim start radiusdamage local.temp 90 90 wait 3 local.temp remove end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// tdm_spawns: spawn info_player_axis "origin" "1282.28 3958.68 214.19" "angle" "1" "targetname" "X1" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "1373.11 3544.60 302.29" "angle" "31" "targetname" "X2" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "1272.26 3396.69 332.43" "angle" "35" "targetname" "X3" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "1036.04 3567.83 220.51" "angle" "32" "targetname" "X4" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "961.26 4419.14 306.84" "angle" "-13" "targetname" "X5" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "1608.69 3036.92 370.50" "angle" "74" "targetname" "X6" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "1694.06 3210.51 338.96" "angle" "87" "targetname" "X7" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "1835.48 3557.31 283.29" "angle" "61" "targetname" "X8" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "1601.47 4418.06 234.91" "angle" "-32" "targetname" "X9" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "1709.19 4264.50 221.66" "angle" "-24" "targetname" "X10" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "1882.13 3914.62 235.44" "angle" "-10" "targetname" "X11" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "2300.51 4551.53 236.07" "angle" "-56" "targetname" "X12" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "2371.04 3924.12 225.00" "angle" "-24" "targetname" "X13" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "5546.83 4625.38 244.13" "angle" "-127" "targetname" "X14" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "5975.12 3507.51 215.93" "angle" "-164" "targetname" "X15" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "2361.31 -1755.49 190.40" "angle" "112" "targetname" "A1" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "2045.88 -1565.55 209.02" "angle" "99" "targetname" "A2" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "1814.68 -1744.51 241.26" "angle" "69" "targetname" "A3" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "2188.52 -1883.91 193.36" "angle" "102" "targetname" "A4" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "2447.57 -2054.66 188.29" "angle" "113" "targetname" "A5" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "2673.13 -1590.52 233.43" "angle" "152" "targetname" "A6" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "2855.79 -1640.88 239.99" "angle" "150" "targetname" "A7" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "1548.48 -1094.83 284.18" "angle" "28" "targetname" "A8" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "1135.13 -39.13 170.81" "angle" "-11" "targetname" "A9" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "1135.13 -224.88 192.33" "angle" "17" "targetname" "A10" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "1017.59 75.05 168.13" "angle" "1" "targetname" "A11" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "959.07 168.02 168.13" "angle" "-9" "targetname" "A12" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "1491.93 282.33 171.03" "angle" "13" "targetname" "A13" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "1623.76 817.05 270.79" "angle" "1" "targetname" "A14" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "2541.80 -1121.23 253.51" "angle" "98" "targetname" "A15" end ffa_spawns: spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "5485.18 4567.94 244.12" "angle" "-114" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "4397.62 4409.68 205.37" "angle" "-120" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "3353.18 4733.20 347.66" "angle" "-85" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "1714.91 3302.00 321.88" "angle" "99" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "2799.31 3211.58 236.15" "angle" "-61" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "3216.88 2567.13 209.09" "angle" "112" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "3119.13 1338.58 209.15" "angle" "50" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "3816.88 1399.13 191.92" "angle" "93" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "5107.48 1878.87 301.51" "angle" "2172" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "4769.65 44.86 308.64" "angle" "122" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "4192.88 -691.47 228.70" "angle" "120" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "3058.75 999.99 257.30" "angle" "-151" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "1487.68 789.07 287.34" "angle" "-58" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "970.98 29.50 168.13" "angle" "13" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "3100.95 -1073.68 256.34" "angle" "83" end pole1: end pole2: end pole3: end drive_path local.path local.speed: end level_end: end cant_go_that_way: end get_random_entry local.entries: end get_random_entry_loop: end building1: end building2: end building3: end building4: end building5: end building6: end kill_mg_1: end kill_mg_2: end kill_mg local.gunner local.gun local.bipod: end pole_think: end