main: setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext1" "m6l3c" setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext3" "" setcvar "g_obj_axistext1" "Created by:" setcvar "g_obj_axistext2" "Searingwolfe" setcvar "g_obj_axistext3" "" setcvar "g_scoreboardpic" "m6l3c" setcvar "fraglimit" "0" setcvar "timelimit" "50" setcvar "cheats" "0" setcvar "thereisnomonkey" "0" setcvar "maxentities" "5000" setcvar "dmrespawning" "1" setcvar "dmroundlimit" "20" setcvar "level.clockside" "kills" //exec alienx/basebuild.scr::main 800 1000 250 1 1 0 0 if((getcvar("g_gametype") == "2")) { setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext2" "UBER Team Deathmatch v7.0" setcvar "g_gametypestring" "Team-Match UBER" setcvar "g_gametype" "2" exec alienx/hud_tdm.scr::main thread tdm_spawns spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-1409 -2171 -560" "angle" "-136" // for spectators when joining game spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-2402 -2591 -546" "angle" "129" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "391 -254 -608" "angle" "-110" } else { setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext2" "UBER Free-For-All v7.0" setcvar "g_gametypestring" "Free-For-All UBER" setcvar "g_gametype" "1" exec alienx/hud_ffa.scr::main thread ffa_spawns } waitthread setup level waittill prespawn //allies exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -1556.18 1540.88 -1023.88 ) "static/indycrate.tik" 1 0 1 0 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -1556.18 1440.88 -1023.88 ) "static/indycrate.tik" 1 1 0 1 90 .5 1 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -1556.18 1340.88 -1023.88 ) "statweapons/mg42_gun.tik" 1 1 0 0 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -1556.18 1240.88 -1023.88 ) "static/sandbag_link_main.tik" 1 0 0 1 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -1556.18 1140.88 -1023.88 ) "static/bodies_tarp.tik" 1 1 0 1 90 .5 1 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -1556.18 1040.88 -1023.88 ) "static/bunkertable.tik" 1 1 1 0 90 .5 0 1 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -1556.18 940.88 -1023.88 ) "static/barbwire.tik" 1 0 1 1 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -1449.82 1440.88 -1023.88 ) "static/cabinet_large.tik" 1 1 1 1 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -1449.82 1340.88 -1023.88 ) "static/sandbag_longsegment.tik" 1 1 1 1 90 .2 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -1449.82 1240.88 -1023.88 ) "static/bodies_tarp.tik" 1 1 1 1 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -1449.82 1140.88 -1023.88 ) "static/static_naziflag1.tik" 1 1 1 1 90 .2 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -1449.82 1040.88 -1023.88 ) "static/bookcase.tik" 1 1 0 1 90 .2 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -1449.82 940.88 -1023.88 ) "static/bush_full.tik" 1 0 1 1 90 .5 0 0 1end exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -1449.82 840.88 -1023.88 ) "static/banquet_table.tik" 1 1 0 0 90 .5 0 0 1 //axis exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4362.93 -1235.13 -575.88 ) "static/indycrate.tik" 1 0 1 0 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4362.93 -1335.13 -575.88 ) "static/indycrate.tik" 1 1 0 1 90 .5 1 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4362.93 -1435.13 -575.88 ) "statweapons/mg42_gun.tik" 1 1 0 0 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4362.93 -1535.13 -575.88 ) "static/sandbag_link_main.tik" 1 0 0 1 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4362.93 -1635.13 -575.88 ) "static/bodies_tarp.tik" 1 1 0 1 90 .5 1 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4362.93 -1735.13 -575.88 ) "static/bunkertable.tik" 1 1 1 0 90 .5 0 1 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4362.93 -1835.13 -575.88 ) "static/barbwire.tik" 1 0 1 1 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4362.93 -1935.13 -575.88 ) "static/cabinet_large.tik" 1 1 1 1 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4362.93 -2035.13 -575.88 ) "static/sandbag_longsegment.tik" 1 1 1 1 90 .2 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4362.93 -2135.13 -575.88 ) "static/bodies_tarp.tik" 1 1 1 1 90 .5 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4362.93 -2235.13 -575.88 ) "static/static_naziflag1.tik" 1 1 1 1 90 .2 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4255.13 -2135.13 -575.88 ) "static/bookcase.tik" 1 1 0 1 90 .2 0 0 1 exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4255.13 -2035.13 -575.88 ) "static/bush_full.tik" 1 0 1 1 90 .5 0 0 1end exec alienx/basebuild.scr::basebuild ( -4247.13 -1235.13 -575.88 ) "static/banquet_table.tik" 1 1 0 0 90 .5 0 0 1\ exec global/dog.scr ( -944 689 -639 ) ( 0 0 0 ) 15 10 //*** precache dm stuff //exec global/DMprecache.scr exec global/aliascache_triggersounds.scr level.dmrespawning = 1 level.script = maps/m6l3c.scr exec global/ambient.scr m6l3c exec global/loadout.scr "maps/m6l3c.scr" exec global/door_locked.scr exec global/exploder.scr exec global/barrel.scr::explosive_barrel exec global/bomber.scr setcvar "r_fastsky" "0" $world farplane 150000 $world farplane_color ( 0.04314 0.05882 0.16471 ) exec map_triggers/grenade_ammo.scr ( -3091 -1423 -575 ) ( -2751 -2476 -575 ) ( -2490 -1943 -559 ) ( -1887 -2364 -579 ) ( -1547 -2543 -575 ) ( -443 -2303 -575 ) ( -847 -870 -623 ) ( -293 -351 -591 ) ( -111 671 -831 ) ( -756 633 -1023 ) level waittill spawn level.heavydoor1 = 0 level.heavydoor1moving = 0 waitthread blast_seq1_setup thread blast_sequence_start end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// setup: removeclass actor removeclass ammoentity level.springfield = 1 = 1 level.bazooka = 1 level.panzer = 1 level.mp44 = 1 level.shotgun = 1 level.rifle = 1 end heavy_door_setup: end heavy_door1_start: $heavy_door1_flywheel notsolid $heavy_door1_flywheel_pulse hide $heavy_door1_flywheel show if (level.heavydoor1 == 0 && level.heavydoor1moving == 0) { level.heavydoor1 = 1 level.heavydoor1moving = 1 $heavy_door1 open $player $heavy_door1 playsound door_vault_roll_open $heavy_door1_flywheel thread flywheel_z360_open wait 3 level.heavydoor3moving = 0 } else if (level.heavydoor1 == 1 && level.heavydoor1moving == 0) { level.heavydoor1 = 0 level.heavydoor1moving = 1 $heavy_door1 close $heavy_door1 playsound door_vault_roll_close $heavy_door1_flywheel thread flywheel_z360_close wait 3 level.heavydoor1moving = 0 } end heavy_door1_reverse: if (level.heavydoor1 == 0 && level.heavydoor1moving == 0) { level.heavydoor1 = 1 level.heavydoor1moving = 1 $heavy_door1 open $player $heavy_door1 playsound door_vault_roll_open $heavy_door1_flywheel_reverse thread flywheel_x360_open wait 3 level.heavydoor1moving = 0 } else if (level.heavydoor1 == 1 && level.heavydoor1moving == 0) { level.heavydoor1 = 0 level.heavydoor1moving = 1 $heavy_door1 close $heavy_door1 playsound door_vault_roll_close $heavy_door1_flywheel_reverse thread flywheel_x360_close wait 3 level.heavydoor1moving = 0 } end flywheel_z360_open: self time 3 self rotateZup 360 self playsound flywheel self waitmove end flywheel_z360_close: self time 3 self rotateZdown 360 self playsound flywheel self waitmove end flywheel_x360_open: self time 3 self rotateXup 360 self playsound flywheel self waitmove end flywheel_x360_close: self time 3 self rotateXdown 360 self playsound flywheel self waitmove end hurt_5: end hurt_10: end hurt_20: end hurt_50: end hurt_500: end //********************************************* // Blast Sequence Countdown Timer //********************************************* blast_sequence_start: $blast_sequence_start nottriggerable wait 5 local.messagetosay = "S T O P A L L I E S S E T T I N G T H E T I M E R S" thread scrollMsg local.messagetosay wait 700 // Make the last few mins HELL :P local.messagetosay = "A L L I E S H A V E S E T O F F T H E T I M E R S ! ! !" thread scrollMsg local.messagetosay $starting_elevator_cab playsound m6l3_explode_interior wait 2 thread blast_seq1_start $starting_elevator_cab playsound m6l3_explode_interior wait 2 $starting_elevator_cab playsound m6l3_explode_interior end // hide some stuff etc blast_seq1_setup: $starting_elevator_cab.origin = ( -2016 672 -884 ) // Stop peeps falling down the liftshaft $blast_seq1_firedeath1 nottriggerable $blast_seq1_hurt1 nottriggerable $blast_seq1_model1 hide $blast_seq1_trigger nottriggerable $blast_seq2_firedeath1 nottriggerable $blast_seq2_hurt1 nottriggerable $blast_seq2_model1 hide $blast_seq2_model2 hide $blast_seq2_model3 hide $blast_seq2_trigger nottriggerable $blast_seq3_firedeath1 nottriggerable $blast_seq3_hurt1 nottriggerable $blast_seq3_hurt2 nottriggerable $blast_seq3_hurt3 nottriggerable $blast_seq3_model1 hide $blast_seq3_model2 hide $blast_seq3_model3 hide $blast_seq3_model4 hide $blast_seq3_model5 hide $blast_seq4_model1 hide $blast_seq4_model2 hide $blast_seq5_model1 hide $blast_seq5_hurt1 nottriggerable $blast_seq5_firedeath1 nottriggerable $blast_seq6_hurt1 nottriggerable $blast_seq6_hurt2 nottriggerable $blast_seq6_hurt3 nottriggerable $blast_seq6_hurt4 nottriggerable $blast_seq7_hurt1 nottriggerable $blast_seq7_hurt2 nottriggerable $blast_seq7_model1 hide $blast_seq8_firedeath1 nottriggerable $blast_seq8_hurt1 nottriggerable $blast_seq8_hurt2 nottriggerable $blast_seq8_hurt3 nottriggerable $blast_seq8_model1 hide $blast_seq8_model2 hide $blast_seq8_model3 hide $blast_seq9_firedeath1 nottriggerable $blast_seq9_hurt1 nottriggerable $blast_seq9_hurt2 nottriggerable $blast_seq9_model1 hide $blast_seq9_model2 hide $blast_seq9_model3 hide $blast_seq9_model4 hide $blast_seq9_model5 hide $blast_seq10_firedeath1 nottriggerable $blast_seq10_model1 hide $blast_seq10_model2 hide $blast_seq11_firedeath1 nottriggerable $blast_seq11_firedeath2 nottriggerable $blast_seq11_firedeath3 nottriggerable $blast_seq11_firedeath4 nottriggerable $blast_seq11_model1 hide $blast_seq11_model2 hide $blast_seq11_model3 hide $blast_seq11_model4 hide $blast_seq11_model5 hide $blast_seq11_model6 hide $blast_seq12_hurt1 nottriggerable $blast_seq12_blown_vent1 hide $blast_seq12_blown_vent2 hide $blast_seq12_blown_supports1 hide $blast_seq12_blown_vent3 hide $blast_seq12_blown_supports2 hide $blast_seq12_blown_railing1 hide $blast_seq12_blown_steps1 hide $blast_seq12_pipe_blown_supports1 hide $blast_seq13_model1 hide $elevator_cab_destroyed hide $elevator_cab_destroyed notsolid $elevator_cab_drop time 1.25 $blast_seq15_firedeath1 nottriggerable $blast_seq15_firedeath2 nottriggerable $blast_seq15_hurt1 nottriggerable $blast_seq15_hurt2 nottriggerable $blast_seq15_model1 hide $blast_seq15_model2 hide $blast_seq15_model3 hide $blast_seq15_model4 hide $blast_seq15_model5 hide $blast_seq16_firedeath1 nottriggerable $blast_seq16_firedeath2 nottriggerable $blast_seq16_hurt1 nottriggerable $blast_seq16_model1 hide $blast_seq16_model2 hide $blast_seq16_model3 hide $blast_seq17_firedeath1 nottriggerable $blast_seq17_hurt1 nottriggerable $blast_seq17_model1 hide $blast_seq17_model2 hide $blast_seq17_model3 hide $blast_seq17_model4 hide $blast_seq17_model5 hide end blast_seq1_start: //lets Roll :P thread jitter_medium 0 $blast_seq1_exploder1 anim start //$blast_seq1_hurt1 triggerable $blast_seq1_hurt1 thread move_object (0 -1376 0) 4.5 wait .5 $blast_seq1_exploder2 anim start $blast_seq1_fire1 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq1_exploder3 anim start $blast_seq1_fire2 anim start wait .5 thread jitter_large 0 $blast_seq1_exploder4 anim start thread global/exploder.scr::explode 61 thread global/exploder.scr::explode 62 $blast_seq1_model1 show wait .25 $blast_seq1_exploder5 anim start $blast_seq1_fire3 anim start wait 5 thread blast_seq2_start end //********************************************* // Blast Sequence 2 - Elevator Hallway //********************************************* blast_seq2_setup: end blast_seq2_start: thread jitter_medium 0 thread global/exploder.scr::explode 71 $blast_seq2_exploder1 anim start //$blast_seq2_hurt1 triggerable $blast_seq2_hurt1 thread move_object (1056 0 0) 4.5 //$blast_seq2_firedeath1 triggerable wait 1 $blast_seq2_model1 show $blast_seq2_exploder2 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq2_model2 show $blast_seq2_exploder3 anim start wait 1 $blast_seq2_fire2 anim start $blast_seq2_exploder4 anim start wait 1 $blast_seq2_exploder5 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq2_fire3 anim start $blast_seq2_model3 show wait 3 thread blast_seq3_start end //********************************************* // Blast Sequence 3 - Stairwell //********************************************* blast_seq3_setup: end blast_seq3_start: thread jitter_medium 0 thread global/exploder.scr::explode 70 //$blast_seq3_firedeath1 triggerable $blast_seq3_exploder1 anim start $blast_seq3_dust1 anim start wait .25 $blast_seq3_exploder2 anim start $blast_seq3_model1 show $blast_seq3_model2 show $blast_seq3_dust2 anim start $blast_seq3_fire1 anim start $blast_seq3_fire2 anim start $blast_seq3_fire3 anim start $blast_seq3_fire4 anim start //$blast_seq3_hurt1 triggerable wait .25 $blast_seq3_exploder3 anim start $blast_seq3_dust3 anim start wait 8 $blast_seq3_exploder2 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq3_exploder3 anim start wait .5 thread jitter_medium 0 $blast_seq3_exploder4 anim start $blast_seq3_exploder5 anim start //$blast_seq3_hurt2 triggerable wait .5 $blast_seq3_exploder6 anim start $blast_seq3_fire5 anim start $blast_seq3_fire6 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq3_fire7 anim start $blast_seq3_model3 show $blast_seq3_model4 show $blast_seq3_model5 show //$blast_seq3_hurt3 triggerable wait 7 thread blast_seq4_start end //********************************************* // Blast Sequence 4 - Furnace Room Part 1 //********************************************* blast_seq4_setup: end blast_seq4_start: thread jitter_large 0 $blast_seq4_exploder1 anim start $blast_seq4_fire1 anim start $blast_seq4_model1 show //thread e3_start wait .25 $blast_seq4_exploder2 anim start $blast_seq4_fire2 anim start $blast_seq4_model2 show wait .5 $blast_seq4_fire3 anim start wait .25 $blast_seq4_exploder3 anim start wait .5 thread global/exploder.scr::explode 50 $blast_seq4_fire3 anim start $blast_seq4_exploder4 anim start wait 5 thread blast_seq5_start end //********************************************* // Blast Sequence 5 - Furnace Room Part 2 //********************************************* blast_seq5_setup: end blast_seq5_start: thread blast_seq5_furnaces 1 3 2 4 $blast_seq5_exploder1 anim start //$blast_seq5_hurt1 triggerable $blast_seq5_hurt1 thread move_object (384 0 0) 5 wait .5 $blast_seq5_exploder2 anim start $blast_seq5_model1 show $blast_seq5_model1 thread move_object (0 0 -172) .3 $blast_seq5_fire1 anim start wait 7 thread blast_seq6_start end blast_seq5_furnaces local.first local.second local.third local.fourth: thread global/exploder.scr::explode local.first $furnace1 playsound explode_tank thread jitter_medium 0 wait .25 thread global/exploder.scr::explode local.second $furnace2 playsound explode_tank thread jitter_medium 0 wait .5 thread global/exploder.scr::explode local.third $furnace3 playsound explode_tank thread jitter_large 0 wait .25 thread global/exploder.scr::explode local.fourth $furnace4 playsound explode_tank end //********************************************* // Blast Sequence 6 - Furnace Room Part 3 //********************************************* blast_seq6_setup: end blast_seq6_start: $blast_seq6_steam1 anim start wait .5 //$blast_seq6_hurt2 triggerable $blast_seq6_steam2 anim start wait .5 //$blast_seq6_hurt3 triggerable $blast_seq6_steam3 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq6_exploder1 anim start thread jitter_medium 0 wait .5 $blast_seq6_exploder2 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq6_fire1 anim start $blast_seq6_hurt4 triggerable wait 3 thread blast_seq7_start end //********************************************* // Blast Sequence 7 - Triangle Hallway //********************************************* blast_seq7_setup: end blast_seq7_start: $blast_seq7_exploder1 anim start thread global/exploder.scr::explode 10001 //$blast_seq7_hurt1 triggerable $blast_seq7_steam1 anim start thread jitter_large 0 wait .25 $blast_seq7_model1 show $blast_seq7_exploder2 anim start thread global/exploder.scr::explode 51 wait .25 $blast_seq7_fire1 anim start //$blast_seq7_hurt2 triggerable wait .25 $blast_seq7_fire2 anim start //$blast_seq7_hurt3 triggerable wait 7 thread blast_seq8_start end //********************************************* // Blast Sequence 8 - Blue Pipe Hallway Part 1 //********************************************* blast_seq8_setup: end blast_seq8_start: thread blast_seq8_pipe_bursts thread global/exploder.scr::explode 52 $blast_seq8_exploder1 anim start $blast_seq8_fire1 anim start //$blast_seq8_firedeath1 triggerable $blast_seq8_model2 show thread jitter_medium 0 wait .25 $blast_seq8_fire2 anim start //$blast_seq8_hurt1 triggerable wait 1 $blast_seq8_exploder2 anim start $blast_seq8_model1 show //$blast_seq8_hurt2 triggerable $blast_seq8_hurt2 thread move_object (512 0 0) 4 wait .5 $blast_seq8_exploder3 anim start $blast_seq8_fire3 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq8_exploder4 anim start $blast_seq8_fire4 anim start thread jitter_medium 0 wait .5 $blast_seq8_exploder5 anim start $blast_seq8_fire5 anim start wait 7 thread blast_seq9_start end blast_seq8_pipe_bursts: $blast_seq8_steam1 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq8_steam2 anim start thread global/exploder.scr::explode 53 wait .5 $blast_seq8_steam3 anim start thread global/exploder.scr::explode 54 wait .5 $blast_seq8_steam4 anim start //$blast_seq8_hurt3 triggerable end //********************************************* // Blast Sequence 9 - Blue Pipe Hallway Part 2 //********************************************* blast_seq9_setup: end blast_seq9_start: thread jitter_medium 0 $blast_seq9_exploder1 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq9_exploder2 anim start $blast_seq9_exploder5 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq9_exploder3 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq9_exploder4 anim start wait 6 thread jitter_large 0 //$blast_seq9_hurt1 triggerable $blast_seq9_hurt1 thread move_object (0 -680 0) 4 $blast_seq9_exploder6 anim start $blast_seq9_fire1 anim start wait 2 $blast_seq9_exploder7 anim start $blast_seq9_fire2 anim start //$blast_seq9_firedeath1 triggerable wait 1 thread jitter_medium 0 //$blast_seq9_hurt2 triggerable $blast_seq9_hurt2 thread move_object ( -680 0 0) 4 $blast_seq9_exploder8 anim start $blast_seq9_fire3 anim start wait .5 thread global/exploder.scr::explode 55 thread global/exploder.scr::explode 56 $blast_seq9_fire4 anim start $blast_seq9_model1 show wait .5 thread global/exploder.scr::explode 59 $blast_seq9_exploder9 anim start $blast_seq9_fire5 anim start $blast_seq9_fire6 anim start $blast_seq9_model2 show wait 1 $blast_seq9_exploder10 anim start $blast_seq9_fire7 anim start $blast_seq9_model3 show wait .5 $blast_seq9_fire8 anim start $blast_seq9_model4 show thread global/exploder.scr::explode 57 thread global/exploder.scr::explode 58 wait .25 thread global/exploder.scr::explode 60 $blast_seq9_model5 show wait .7 thread blast_seq10_start $blast_seq9_fire9 anim start end //********************************************* // Blast Sequence 10 - Map Room //********************************************* blast_seq10_setup: end blast_seq10_start: $blast_seq10_model1 show $blast_seq10_model2 show wait .25 $blast_seq10_exploder1 anim start $blast_seq10_fire1 anim start thread jitter_medium 0 wait .25 $blast_seq10_exploder2 anim start //$blast_seq10_firedeath1 triggerable wait 7 thread blast_seq11_start end //********************************************* // Blast Sequence 11 - Angle Hallway //********************************************* blast_seq11_setup: end blast_seq11_start: $blast_seq11_exploder1 anim start $blast_seq11_steam1 anim start $blast_seq11_fire1 anim start thread jitter_medium 0 wait .25 $blast_seq11_exploder2 anim start $blast_seq11_dust1 anim start $blast_seq11_model1 show $blast_seq11_fire2 anim start wait 3 $blast_seq11_exploder3 anim start thread jitter_large 0 wait .25 $blast_seq11_exploder4 anim start $blast_seq11_firedeath1 triggerable wait .5 $blast_seq11_exploder5 anim start $blast_seq11_fire3 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq11_exploder6 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq11_exploder7 anim start //$blast_seq11_firedeath2 triggerable thread jitter_medium 0 wait .5 $blast_seq11_exploder8 anim start $blast_seq11_model2 show wait .25 $blast_seq11_exploder8 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq11_exploder9 anim start wait .25 $blast_seq11_exploder10 anim start wait .25 $blast_seq11_exploder11 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq11_exploder12 anim start $blast_seq11_exploder13 anim start wait .25 $blast_seq11_exploder14 anim start $blast_seq11_model3 show $blast_seq11_fire4 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq11_exploder15 anim start $blast_seq11_model4 show $blast_seq11_fire5 anim start wait .25 $blast_seq11_exploder16 anim start $blast_seq11_fire6 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq11_exploder17 anim start //$blast_seq11_firedeath3 triggerable $blast_seq11_fire7 anim start thread jitter_medium 0 wait .5 $blast_seq11_exploder18 anim start $blast_seq11_fire8 anim start $blast_seq11_fire9 anim start wait .25 $blast_seq11_exploder19 anim start $blast_seq11_exploder20 anim start $blast_seq11_model5 show $blast_seq11_fire10 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq11_exploder21 anim start //$blast_seq11_fire11 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq11_exploder22 anim start //$blast_seq11_firedeath4 triggerable $blast_seq11_model6 show wait 5 thread blast_seq12_start end //********************************************* // Blast Sequence 12 - Maintenance Stairwell //********************************************* blast_seq12_setup: end blast_seq12_start: thread jitter_large 0 $blast_seq6_exploder1 anim start wait .75 thread jitter_large 0 $blast_seq6_exploder2 anim start $blast_seq12_vent1 remove $blast_seq12_supports1 remove $blast_seq12_blown_vent1 show $blast_seq12_blown_vent2 show $blast_seq12_blown_supports1 show $blast_seq12_blown_vent2 time .6 $blast_seq12_blown_vent2 rotatexup 10 $blast_seq12_blown_vent2 waitmove wait .3 thread jitter_large 0 $blast_seq12_exploder5 anim start wait .5 thread jitter_large 0 $blast_seq12_exploder3 anim start $blast_seq12_vent2 remove $blast_seq12_supports2 remove $blast_seq12_blown_vent3 show $blast_seq12_blown_supports2 show $blast_seq12_blown_vent2 time .8 $blast_seq12_blown_vent2 rotatexup 34 $blast_seq12_blown_vent2 rotateyup 5 $blast_seq12_blown_vent2 movenorth 12 $blast_seq12_blown_vent2 movedown 190 thread jitter_large 0 $blast_seq12_exploder6 anim start thread blast_seq12_pipes $blast_seq12_blown_vent2 waitmove $blast_seq12_railing1 remove $blast_seq12_steps1 remove $blast_seq12_blown_railing1 show $blast_seq12_blown_steps1 show thread jitter_medium 0 $blast_seq12_exploder4 anim start wait .5 thread jitter_large 0 $blast_seq12_exploder7 anim start wait 7 thread blast_seq13_start end blast_seq12_pipes: wait .3 $blast_seq12_pipes1 remove $blast_seq12_pipe_supports1 remove $blast_seq12_pipe_blown_supports1 show $blast_seq12_pipes2 time .35 $blast_seq12_pipes3 time .3 $blast_seq12_pipes4 time .45 $blast_seq12_pipes5 time .35 $blast_seq12_pipes2 rotatexdown 44 $blast_seq12_pipes2 rotateyup 12 $blast_seq12_pipes3 rotatexdown 45 $blast_seq12_pipes3 rotateyup 6 $blast_seq12_pipes4 rotatezdown 38 $blast_seq12_pipes4 rotateydown 17 $blast_seq12_pipes5 rotatezdown 47 $blast_seq12_pipes5 rotateydown 7 $blast_seq12_pipes2 move wait .1 $blast_seq12_pipes4 move wait .1 $blast_seq12_pipes3 move wait .1 $blast_seq12_pipes5 move end //********************************************* // Blast Sequence 13 - Elevator Drop //********************************************* blast_seq13_setup: end blast_seq13_start: $blast_seq13_exploder6 anim start thread jitter_medium 0 wait .5 $elevator_cab_destroyed playsound m6l3c_elevator_clang wait 1 $elevator_cab_drop playsound m6l3c_elevator_fall wait .5 thread blast_seq13_elevator thread jitter_medium 0 $blast_seq13_dust1 anim start wait 1 $blast_seq13_exploder1 anim start $blast_seq13_exploder2 anim start $blast_seq13_exploder3 anim start wait .25 //$blast_seq13_model1 show $blast_seq13_exploder4 anim start $blast_seq13_exploder5 anim start wait 4 thread blast_seq15_start end blast_seq13_elevator: $elevator_cab_drop movedown 570 $elevator_cab_drop waitmove thread jitter_medium 0 $elevator_cab_drop remove $elevator_cab_destroyed show end //********************************************* // Blast Sequence 14 - Elevator Room //********************************************* blast_seq14_setup: end //********************************************* // Blast Sequence 15 - Radio Room Hallway //********************************************* blast_seq15_setup: end blast_seq15_start: $blast_seq15_exploder1 anim start //$blast_seq15_hurt1 triggerable $blast_seq15_hurt1 thread move_object (0 -448 0) 2.5 thread jitter_large 0 wait .25 $blast_seq15_exploder2 anim start $blast_seq15_fire1 anim start $blast_seq15_model1 show wait .5 $blast_seq15_exploder3 anim start $blast_seq15_fire2 anim start wait .5 thread jitter_medium 0 $blast_seq15_exploder3 anim start $blast_seq15_fire3 anim start wait .25 $blast_seq15_exploder4 anim start $blast_seq15_fire4 anim start $blast_seq15_model2 show wait .5 $blast_seq15_exploder5 anim start wait 1 $blast_seq15_exploder6 anim start //$blast_seq15_hurt2 triggerable $blast_seq15_hurt2 thread move_object (0 360 0) 1.5 thread jitter_large 0 wait .25 $blast_seq15_exploder7 anim start $blast_seq15_fire5 anim start $blast_seq15_model3 show wait .5 $blast_seq15_exploder8 anim start $blast_seq15_fire6 anim start wait .25 $blast_seq15_exploder9 anim start $blast_seq15_model4 show wait .5 thread jitter_medium 0 $blast_seq15_exploder10 anim start thread global/exploder.scr::explode 65 wait .25 thread global/exploder.scr::explode 66 wait .25 thread global/exploder.scr::explode 67 $blast_seq15_model5 show wait 4 thread blast_seq16_start end //********************************************* // Blast Sequence 16 - Metal Gear Tunnel //********************************************* blast_seq16_setup: end blast_seq16_start: thread global/exploder.scr::explode 10 $blast_seq16_exploder1 anim start $blast_seq16_steam1 anim start thread jitter_large 0 wait .5 thread global/exploder.scr::explode 11 $blast_seq16_exploder2 anim start $blast_seq16_steam2 anim start thread jitter_medium 0 wait .5 thread global/exploder.scr::explode 12 $blast_seq16_exploder3 anim start wait .25 $blast_seq16_exploder4 anim start $blast_seq16_steam3 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq16_exploder5 anim start thread jitter_medium 0 wait .5 thread global/exploder.scr::explode 13 $blast_seq16_exploder6 anim start $blast_seq16_steam4 anim start wait .25 $blast_seq16_exploder7 anim start $blast_seq16_exploder8 anim start wait .5 thread global/exploder.scr::explode 14 $blast_seq16_exploder9 anim start $blast_seq16_steam5 anim start thread jitter_medium 0 wait .25 $blast_seq16_exploder10 anim start wait 1 //$blast_seq16_hurt1 triggerable $blast_seq16_hurt1 thread move_object ( -960 0 0) 2.5 wait 1 $blast_seq16_exploder11 anim start $blast_seq16_model1 show $blast_seq16_fire1 anim start thread jitter_medium 0 wait 1 $blast_seq16_exploder12 anim start //$blast_seq16_firedeath1 triggerable $blast_seq16_model2 show $blast_seq16_fire2 anim start wait .25 $blast_seq16_exploder13 anim start //$blast_seq16_firedeath2 triggerable $blast_seq16_model3 show $blast_seq16_fire3 anim start thread blast_seq17_start end //********************************************* // Blast Sequence 17 - Heavy Door Hallway //********************************************* blast_seq17_setup: end blast_seq17_start: wait 4 //$blast_seq17_hurt1 triggerable $blast_seq17_hurt1 thread move_object (0 960 0) 6 $blast_seq17_exploder1 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq17_exploder2 anim start $blast_seq17_model1 show wait .5 $blast_seq17_exploder3 anim start $blast_seq17_fire1 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq17_exploder4 anim start $blast_seq17_model2 show wait .5 $blast_seq17_exploder5 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq17_exploder6 anim start $blast_seq17_fire2 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq17_exploder7 anim start $blast_seq17_model3 show wait .5 $blast_seq17_exploder8 anim start $blast_seq17_fire3 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq17_exploder9 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq17_exploder10 anim start $blast_seq17_model4 show wait .5 $blast_seq17_exploder11 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq17_exploder12 anim start $blast_seq17_fire4 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq17_exploder13 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq17_exploder14 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq17_exploder15 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq17_exploder16 anim start $blast_seq17_fire5 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq17_exploder17 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq17_exploder18 anim start $blast_seq17_model5 show wait .5 $blast_seq17_exploder19 anim start wait .5 $blast_seq17_exploder20 anim start wait 4 $blast_seq17_exploder21 anim start wait .25 $blast_seq17_exploder22 anim start $blast_seq17_exploder23 anim start //$blast_seq17_firedeath1 triggerable end move_object local.distance local.time: local.index = local.time / .05 local.move_distance_x = local.distance[0] / local.index local.move_distance_y = local.distance[1] / local.index local.move_distance_z = local.distance[2] / local.index //local.self notsolid // stop player getting stuck //local.self damage 1000 for (local.i = 0 ; local.i <= local.time ; local.i += .05) { local.newx = local.self.origin[0] + local.move_distance_x local.newy = local.self.origin[1] + local.move_distance_y local.newz = local.self.origin[2] + local.move_distance_z local.self.origin = (local.newx local.newy local.newz) radiusdamage local.self 120 120 wait .05 } end firedeath: local.poorbastard = parm.other wait (randomfloat .5 + .5) if (local.poorbastard istouching self) { //local.poorbastard playsound firetouch local.ent = spawn script_model local.ent model "animate/explosion_conflagration.tik" local.ent.origin = local.poorbastard.origin local.ent anim start radiusdamage local.ent.origin .5 .5 wait 1 local.ent remove } end jitter_medium local.time: if (local.time) wait local.time waitexec global/earthquake.scr .23 .7 0 0 waitexec global/earthquake.scr .8 .6 0 0 waitexec global/earthquake.scr 1 .6 0 .5 end jitter_large local.time: if (local.time) wait local.time waitexec global/earthquake.scr .4 .9 0 0 waitexec global/earthquake.scr .7 .6 0 0 waitexec global/earthquake.scr 1 1 0 0 waitexec global/earthquake.scr 1 .5 0 .3 end scrollMsg local.messagetosay: huddraw_align 223 left center huddraw_font 223 facfont-20 huddraw_alpha 223 1 huddraw_color 223 1 1 1 huddraw_rect 223 20 150 200 40 huddraw_string 223 local.messagetosay for(local.i=1;local.i<=local.messagetosay.size;local.i++) { local.x = "" for(local.z=1;local.z<=(local.messagetosay.size - local.i);local.z++) { local.x = (local.x + " ") } local.tmpstring4 = "" for (local.o=0;local.o0;local.o=local.o - 0.01) { huddraw_alpha 223 local.o wait 0.05 } huddraw_alpha 223 0 end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// tdm_spawns: // Stage 1 Axis spawn info_player_axis "origin" "-1560.88 1478.05 -1023.88" "angle" "-85" "targetname" "X1" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "-1407.13 1466.02 -1023.88" "angle" "-118" "targetname" "X2" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "-1427.13 1360.50 -1023.88" "angle" "-124" "targetname" "X3" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "-1560.88 1351.10 -1023.88" "angle" "-63" "targetname" "X4" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "-1427.13 1240.86 -1023.88" "angle" "-124" "targetname" "X5" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "-1600.88 1135.27 -1023.88" "angle" "-53" "targetname" "X6" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "-1427.13 995.40 -1023.88" "angle" "-106" "targetname" "X7" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "-1552.88 1035.46 -1023.88" "angle" "-83" "targetname" "X8" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "-1580.87 935.12 -1023.88" "angle" "-74" "targetname" "X9" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "-1427.14 933.45 -1023.88" "angle" "-119" "targetname" "X10" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "-1580.88 837.34 -1023.88" "angle" "-38" "targetname" "X11" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "-1427.13 839.80 -1023.88" "angle" "-124" "targetname" "X12" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "-1889.66 591.14 -1023.88" "angle" "15" "targetname" "X13" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "-1899.28 685.06 -1023.88" "angle" "-1" "targetname" "X14" spawn info_player_axis "origin" "-1864.20 752.86 -1023.88" "angle" "-35" "targetname" "X15" // Stage 1 Allies spawn info_player_allied "origin" "-3093.48 -1467.13 -575.88" "angle" "-115" "targetname" "A1" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "-3244.87 -1611.18 -575.88" "angle" "-88" "targetname" "A2" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "-3091.13 -1858.01 -575.88" "angle" "-113" "targetname" "A3" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "-3240.27 -2026.34 -575.88" "angle" "-45" "targetname" "A4" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "-3194.88 -2212.77 -575.88" "angle" "-78" "targetname" "A5" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "-3232.88 -2508.88 -575.88" "angle" "11" "targetname" "A6" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "-3244.88 -2368.35 -575.88" "angle" "-20" "targetname" "A7" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "-2947.59 -2355.13 -575.88" "angle" "-26" "targetname" "A8" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "-2751.13 -2476.88 -575.88" "angle" "54" "targetname" "A9" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "-2834.87 -2480.13 -559.88" "angle" "16" "targetname" "A10" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "-2351.14 -2230.15 -559.88" "angle" "-158" "targetname" "A11" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "-2515.93 -2150.53 -575.88" "angle" "-84" "targetname" "A12" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "-2640.88 -2118.09 -559.88" "angle" "-55" "targetname" "A13" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "-2467.34 -2023.89 -575.88" "angle" "-92" "targetname" "A14" spawn info_player_allied "origin" "-2582.45 -2621.21 -575.88" "angle" "9" "targetname" "A15" end ffa_spawns: spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-1443.13 1540.87 -1023.88" "angle" "-103" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-1428.26 1014.87 -1023.88" "angle" "-110" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-1914.87 751.74 -1023.88" "angle" "-15" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-940.87 924.87 -1023.88" "angle" "-33" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-111.13 921.63 -831.88" "angle" "-136" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-111.27 671.13 -831.88" "angle" "145" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-944.87 671.15 -639.88" "angle" "13" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-1116.88 556.88 -639.87" "angle" "-18" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-1116.87 227.13 -639.88" "angle" "23" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-707.13 227.13 -639.88" "angle" "115" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-15.13 305.27 -639.88" "angle" "170" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-304.87 -8.36 -639.88" "angle" "13" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-314.73 -227.13 -639.88" "angle" "-35" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "303.98 -247.13 -639.88" "angle" "-83" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "440.87 -809.13 -639.88" "angle" "111" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "440.87 -1260.88 -639.88" "angle" "133" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-384.87 -1107.13 -639.88" "angle" "-15" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-847.30 -870.20 -623.88" "angle" "-65" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-535.13 -983.74 -623.88" "angle" "-122" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-594.00 -1718.61 -575.88" "angle" "91" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-443.39 -2304.00 -575.88" "angle" "154" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-1220.26 -2126.87 -575.88" "angle" "-142" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-1548.87 -2541.30 -575.88" "angle" "67" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-1708.86 -2163.13 -575.88" "angle" "-30" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-2168.06 -2334.56 -579.88" "angle" "4" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-2367.13 -2034.34 -575.88" "angle" "-132" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-2841.31 -2481.74 -575.88" "angle" "26" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-3244.88 -2496.87 -575.88" "angle" "13" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-4359.96 -1246.12 -575.88" "angle" "-86" spawn info_player_deathmatch "origin" "-3915.00 -1941.09 -577.88" "angle" "0" end e2_start: end e3_start: end e4_start: end e6_start: end e7_start: end change_level: end