main local.pathname local.position local.bombsoff local.offtime local.bulletstokill local.killtime: if(level.airspace_toobusy != 1) { waitframe // need this, so two "bomberplane" threads can begin before airspace_toobusy = 1 in the 1st thread. level.airspace_toobusy = 1 local.plane = spawn script_model if(local.pathname == "allies") { local.plane model "vehicles/p47fly.tik" } if(local.pathname == "axis") { local.plane model "vehicles/fockwulffly.tik" } if(local.pathname == "final") { local.plane model "vehicles/fockwulffly.tik" } local.plane.scale = 1 local.plane.origin = $bomberpathh.origin local.plane.angles = $bomberpathh.angles local.plane notsolid local.plane show local.plane.pathname = local.pathname local.plane thread damagetrigger local.position local.pathname local.bulletstokill local.plane thread killplane local.position local.pathname local.killtime local.plane playsound airplane_flyover local.plane loopsound airplane_idle local.plane followpath $bomberpathh if(local.position != "second") { iprintlnbold "*** Airstrike Carpet Bomb Incoming! Take Cover! ***" } if(local.bombsoff != 1) { local.plane thread bombdropcoords local.pathname local.position } // drop bombs from the planes, coords are preset for allies, axis, final pathnames. if(local.position == "second") { wait 1 } // second plane waits 1 second before beginning "waitmove". local.plane waitmove local.plane stoploopsound local.plane remove level.airspace_toobusy = 0 if(local.position != "second") { wait 1 } if(local.offtime > 0 && local.offtime != NIL) { wait local.offtime thread main local.pathname local.position local.bombsoff local.offtime local.bulletstokill local.killtime } // this turns on continuous airstrikes, only if airstrikebombs.scr::main is exec'd from main map script and given an offtime > 0. } end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// damagetrigger local.position local.pathname local.bulletstokill: local.trigger = spawn trigger_multiple spawnflags 128 // only responds to bullets and explosions occuring near them local.trigger.origin = self.origin local.trigger setsize ( -300 -300 -100 ) ( 300 300 100 ) local.trigger.triggered = 0 local.trigger setthread triggered if(local.bulletstokill == NIL || local.bulletstokill < 1) { local.bulletstokill = 10 } // default = 10 bullets local.pathpos = local.position + local.pathname level.planedead[local.pathpos] = 0 while(self != NULL && level.planedead[local.pathpos] == 0) { local.player = parm.other // since multiple flying bombs will have the same targetname, the for-loop below will account for any & all local.trigger.origin = self.origin // make sure the trigger stays on the plane. // bombs (light bombs, giant bombs) flying in the air. if(local.trigger.triggered >= local.bulletstokill) { level.planedead[local.pathpos] = 1 } if(local.trigger istouching local.player) { local.player volumedamage 999 } // kill any player that touches the plane for(local.p = 0; local.p <= $player.size; local.p++) { if($("bigbombweap" + local.p) != NULL && local.trigger istouching $("bigbombweap" + local.p)) { level.planedead[local.pathpos] = 2 } if($("lightbombweap" + local.p) != NULL && local.trigger istouching $("lightbombweap" + local.p)) { level.planedead[local.pathpos] = 2 } } waitframe } local.trigger remove end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// triggered: // if the plane gets shot or otherwise triggered "bulletstokill"+ times, then kill the plane. self.triggered++ end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// killplane local.position local.pathname local.killtime: if(local.killtime == NIL) { local.killtime = 2.5 } // default = 2.5 seconds local.pathpos = local.position + local.pathname while(level.planedead[local.pathpos] != 1 && level.planedead[local.pathpos] != 2) { waitframe; if(self == NULL) { end } } if(level.planedead[local.pathpos] == 1) // if the plane was shot at, begin a smoke trail and wait a few seconds before exploding. { local.flyingexplosion = spawn script_model local.flyingexplosion model "emitters/fire.tik" local.flyingexplosion.origin = self.origin local.flyingexplosion.scale = 1 local.flyingexplosion anim start local.flyingexplosion notsolid local.flyingexplosion glue self local.flyingsmoke = spawn script_model local.flyingsmoke model "emitters/planesmokefly.tik" local.flyingsmoke.origin = self.origin local.flyingsmoke.scale = 1 local.flyingsmoke anim start local.flyingsmoke notsolid local.flyingsmoke glue self local.killtime = local.killtime * 10 // each while loop increments 10 times a second. local.n = 0 while(local.n < local.killtime) { if(local.pathname == "allies" && self.origin[0] >= $aa10.origin[0] && self.origin[1] >= $aa10.origin[1]) { local.outofmap = 1; waitframe; break } if((local.pathname == "axis" || local.pathname == "final") && self.origin[0] <= $aa10.origin[0] && self.origin[1] <= $aa10.origin[1]) { local.outofmap = 2 ; waitframe; break } local.n++ wait 0.1 } local.flyingsmoke remove // while-loop keeps looping until "killtime" seconds are done, or until the plane reaches splinepath node $aa10. local.flyingexplosion remove } local.Exp = spawn script_model local.Exp model "fx/fx_truck_explosion.tik" if(self != NULL) { local.Exp.origin = self.origin + ( 0 0 -35 ) } if(self == NULL || local.outofmap == 1) { local.Exp.origin = $aa10.origin + ( -50 -50 -50 ) } // near splinepath node $aa10, corners of map if(self == NULL || local.outofmap == 2) { local.Exp.origin = $aa10.origin + ( 50 50 -50 ) } // near splinepath node $aa10, corners of map local.Exp.scale = 2.5 local.Exp notsolid local.Exp anim idle local.Exp2 = spawn script_model local.Exp2 model "fx/barrel_gas_destroyed.tik" if(self != NULL) { local.Exp2.origin = self.origin + ( 0 0 -35 ) } if(self == NULL || local.outofmap == 1) { local.Exp2.origin = $aa10.origin + ( -50 -50 -50 ) } if(self == NULL || local.outofmap == 2) { local.Exp2.origin = $aa10.origin + ( 50 50 -50 ) } local.Exp2.scale = 2 local.Exp2 notsolid local.Exp2 anim idle self hide // do not remove the plane. otherwise the planes will not be 1 second apart from each other for the next airstrike. wait 0.1 // sometimes, waitframe isn't long enough for barrel explosion to appear. local.Exp anim aaaa local.Exp2 anim dummy local.Exp remove local.Exp2 remove self stopsound self stoploopsound end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// dropbomb local.origin local.waittime local.speed local.zrotate local.damageradius local.position: // local.plane thread dropbomb ( 0 0 0 ) 2.5 2500 45 350 local.bombpoint = spawn script_origin origin ( local.origin ) // bombdrop destination local.pathpos = local.position + self.pathname wait local.waittime // time until bomb drops, while plane is flying down its path if(level.planedead[local.pathpos] != 1 && level.planedead[local.pathpos] != 2) { local.bomb = spawn script_model local.bomb model ammo/us_bomb.tik local.bomb.scale = 1.5 local.bomb.origin = self.origin local.bomb.angle = self.angle + 90 local.bomb light 1 0 0 300 waitframe local.bomb moveto local.bombpoint local.bomb speed local.speed // speed to travel from plane to ground local.bomb rotatez local.zrotate // point bomb nose-down over time local.bomb waitmove local.bomb explode waitframe local.bomb remove local.boom = spawn script_model local.boom model animate/fx_mortar_dirt.tik // emitters/fx_explosion_mine.tik local.boom.origin = local.bombpoint.origin local.boom.scale = 1.5 // = 1 if using fx_explosion_mine.tik local.boom anim start waitframe local.boom anim stop radiusdamage local.boom 200 local.damageradius } local.boom remove local.bombpoint remove end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // plane angles = ( pitch, yaw, roll ) // +pitch = nose down, -pitch = nose up // +roll = raise left wing, -roll = raise right wing // yaw = "coord" player angles: ( 0 yaw 0 ) splinepath: // all splinepath threads must be loaded in before "level waittill spawn". splinepaths cannot be spawned in afterwards. spawn info_splinepath targetname bomberpathh // "$bomberpath" is already used in "training.bsp" map file. $bomberpathh.origin = ( -7904 -4376 1112 ) // z - 40 below skybox ceiling $bomberpathh.angles = ( -5 90 0 ) $bomberpathh speed 1.35 spawn info_splinepath targetname aa0 $aa0.origin = ( -7904 -3376 1112 ) $aa0.angles = ( -5 90 30 ) $aa0 speed 1.35 spawn info_splinepath targetname aa1 $aa1.origin = ( -7257 -575 1112 ) $aa1.angles = ( -5 77 60 ) + ( 0 -15 0 ) $aa1 speed 1.5 spawn info_splinepath targetname aa2 $aa2.origin = ( -6136 220 1112 ) $aa2.angles = ( -5 35.5 60 ) + ( 0 -15 0 ) $aa2 speed 1.35 spawn info_splinepath targetname aa3 $aa3.origin = ( -2684 220 1000 ) $aa3.angles = ( -5 0 60 ) + ( 0 -25 0 ) $aa3 speed 1.5 spawn info_splinepath targetname aa4 $aa4.origin = ( -1896 -198 1000 ) $aa4.angles = ( -5 -28 60 ) + ( 0 -45 0 ) $aa4 speed 1.5 spawn info_splinepath targetname aa5 $aa5.origin = ( -1308 -2064 1000 ) $aa5.angles = ( -5 -73 -60 ) + ( 0 25 0 ) $aa5 speed 1.5 spawn info_splinepath targetname aa6 $aa6.origin = ( -609 -2760 1000 ) $aa6.angles = ( -5 -46 -60 ) + ( 0 15 0 ) $aa6 speed 1.35 spawn info_splinepath targetname aa7 $aa7.origin = ( 1600 -2760 1000 ) $aa7.angles = ( -5 0 -45 ) $aa7 speed 1.35 spawn info_splinepath targetname aa8 $aa8.origin = ( 4710 -2760 1496 ) $aa8.angles = ( -5 0 -60 ) + ( 0 15 0 ) $aa8 speed 1.35 spawn info_splinepath targetname aa9 $aa9.origin = ( 6031 -1811 1496 ) $aa9.angles = ( -5 35.5 -60 ) + ( 0 25 0 ) $aa9 speed 1.35 spawn info_splinepath targetname aa10 $aa10.origin = ( 6584 3344 1496 ) $aa10.angles = ( -5 84 -30 ) + ( 0 10 0 ) $aa10 speed 1.25 spawn info_splinepath targetname aa11 // make sure the last node's coords (far out of map bounds to maintain plane's speed after it leaves skybox) $aa11.origin = ( 7584 4344 1496 ) // are increased in both X and Y, otherwise "killplane" thread will not work properly. $aa11.angles = ( 0 90 0 ) $aa11 speed 1.25 $ = $aa0 $ = $aa1 $ = $aa2 $ = $aa3 $ = $aa4 $ = $aa5 $ = $aa6 $ = $aa7 $ = $aa8 $ = $aa9 $ = $aa10 $ = $aa11 end splinepath_change local.pathname: // reduce map's number of entities by changing splinepath origins if pathname changes, instead of spawning in 3 full splinepaths. // this method only works when only one airstrike is allowed on the map at a given time (level.airspace_toobusy = 1). if(local.pathname == "allies") { $bomberpathh.origin = ( -7904 -4376 1112 ) // z - 40 below skybox ceiling $bomberpathh.angles = ( -5 90 0 ) $bomberpathh speed 1.35 $aa0.origin = ( -7904 -3376 1112 ) $aa0.angles = ( -5 90 30 ) $aa0 speed 1.35 $aa1.origin = ( -7257 -575 1112 ) $aa1.angles = ( -5 77 60 ) + ( 0 -15 0 ) $aa1 speed 1.5 $aa2.origin = ( -6136 220 1112 ) $aa2.angles = ( -5 35.5 60 ) + ( 0 -15 0 ) $aa2 speed 1.35 $aa3.origin = ( -2684 220 1000 ) $aa3.angles = ( -5 0 60 ) + ( 0 -25 0 ) $aa3 speed 1.5 $aa4.origin = ( -1896 -198 1000 ) $aa4.angles = ( -5 -28 60 ) + ( 0 -45 0 ) $aa4 speed 1.5 $aa5.origin = ( -1308 -2064 1000 ) $aa5.angles = ( -5 -73 -60 ) + ( 0 25 0 ) $aa5 speed 1.5 $aa6.origin = ( -609 -2760 1000 ) $aa6.angles = ( -5 -46 -60 ) + ( 0 15 0 ) $aa6 speed 1.35 $aa7.origin = ( 1600 -2760 1000 ) $aa7.angles = ( -5 0 -45 ) $aa7 speed 1.35 $aa8.origin = ( 4710 -2760 1496 ) $aa8.angles = ( -5 0 -60 ) + ( 0 15 0 ) $aa8 speed 1.35 $aa9.origin = ( 6031 -1811 1496 ) $aa9.angles = ( -5 35.5 -60 ) + ( 0 25 0 ) $aa9 speed 1.35 $aa10.origin = ( 6584 3344 1496 ) $aa10.angles = ( -5 84 -30 ) + ( 0 10 0 ) $aa10 speed 1.25 $aa11.origin = ( 7584 4344 1496 ) $aa11.angles = ( 0 90 0 ) $aa11 speed 1.25 } if(local.pathname == "axis") { $aa11.origin = ( -8904 -4376 1112 ) // z - 40 below skybox ceiling $aa11.angles = ( -5 90 0 ) + ( 0 180 0 ) $aa11 speed 1.35 $aa10.origin = ( -7904 -3376 1112 ) $aa10.angles = ( -5 90 -30 ) + ( 0 180 0 ) $aa10 speed 1.35 $aa9.origin = ( -7257 -575 1112 ) $aa9.angles = ( -5 77 -60 ) + ( 0 -15 0 ) + ( 0 180 0 ) $aa9 speed 1.5 $aa8.origin = ( -6136 220 1112 ) $aa8.angles = ( -5 35.5 -60 ) + ( 0 -15 0 ) + ( 0 180 0 ) $aa8 speed 1.35 $aa7.origin = ( -2684 220 1000 ) $aa7.angles = ( -5 0 -60 ) + ( 0 -25 0 ) + ( 0 180 0 ) $aa7 speed 1.5 $aa6.origin = ( -1896 -198 1000 ) $aa6.angles = ( -5 -28 -60 ) + ( 0 -45 0 ) + ( 0 180 0 ) $aa6 speed 1.5 $aa5.origin = ( -1308 -2064 1000 ) $aa5.angles = ( -5 -73 60 ) + ( 0 25 0 ) + ( 0 180 0 ) $aa5 speed 1.5 $aa4.origin = ( -609 -2760 1000 ) $aa4.angles = ( -5 -46 60 ) + ( 0 15 0 ) + ( 0 180 0 ) $aa4 speed 1.35 $aa3.origin = ( 1600 -2760 1000 ) $aa3.angles = ( -5 0 45 ) + ( 0 180 0 ) $aa3 speed 1.35 $aa2.origin = ( 4710 -2760 1496 ) $aa2.angles = ( -5 0 60 ) + ( 0 15 0 ) + ( 0 180 0 ) $aa2 speed 1.35 $aa1.origin = ( 6031 -1811 1496 ) $aa1.angles = ( -5 35.5 60 ) + ( 0 25 0 ) + ( 0 180 0 ) $aa1 speed 1.35 $aa0.origin = ( 6584 3344 1496 ) $aa0.angles = ( -5 84 30 ) + ( 0 10 0 ) + ( 0 180 0 ) $aa0 speed 1.25 $bomberpathh.origin = ( 6584 4344 1496 ) $bomberpathh.angles = ( 0 90 0 ) + ( 0 180 0 ) $bomberpathh speed 1.25 } if(local.pathname == "final") { $aa11.origin = ( -8904 -4376 1112 ) // z - 40 below skybox ceiling $aa11.angles = ( -5 90 0 ) + ( 0 180 0 ) // make sure the last node's coords (far out of map bounds to maintain plane's speed after it leaves skybox) $aa11 speed 1.35 // are increased in both X and Y, otherwise "killplane" thread will not work properly. $aa10.origin = ( -7904 -3376 1112 ) $aa10.angles = ( -5 90 -30 ) + ( 0 180 0 ) $aa10 speed 1.35 $aa9.origin = ( -7257 -575 1112 ) $aa9.angles = ( -5 77 -60 ) + ( 0 -15 0 ) + ( 0 180 0 ) $aa9 speed 1.5 $aa8.origin = ( -6136 220 1112 ) $aa8.angles = ( -5 35.5 -60 ) + ( 0 -15 0 ) + ( 0 180 0 ) $aa8 speed 1.35 $aa7.origin = ( -2684 220 1000 ) $aa7.angles = ( -5 0 -60 ) + ( 0 -25 0 ) + ( 0 180 0 ) $aa7 speed 1.5 $aa6.origin = ( -1896 -198 1000 ) $aa6.angles = ( -5 -28 -60 ) + ( 0 -45 0 ) + ( 0 180 0 ) $aa6 speed 1.5 $aa5.origin = ( -1308 -2064 1000 ) $aa5.angles = ( -5 -73 60 ) + ( 0 25 0 ) + ( 0 180 0 ) $aa5 speed 1.5 $aa4.origin = ( -609 -2760 1000 ) $aa4.angles = ( -5 -46 60 ) + ( 0 15 0 ) + ( 0 180 0 ) $aa4 speed 1.35 $aa3.origin = ( 1600 -2760 1000 ) $aa3.angles = ( -5 0 45 ) + ( 0 180 0 ) $aa3 speed 1.35 $aa2.origin = ( 4040 -927 1496 ) $aa2.angles = ( -5 -90 60 ) + ( 0 -25 0 ) $aa2 speed 1.35 $aa1.origin = ( 4040 1379 1496 ) $aa1.angles = ( -5 -38 60 ) + ( 0 -25 0 ) $aa1 speed 1.35 $aa0.origin = ( 1511 3344 1496 ) $aa0.angles = ( -5 -38 60 ) + ( 0 -10 0 ) $aa0 speed 1.35 $bomberpathh.origin = ( 1011 3344 1496 ) $bomberpathh.angles = ( 0 -38 0 ) $bomberpathh speed 1.25 } end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bombdropcoords local.pathname local.position: if(local.pathname == "allies") { if(local.position != "second") // "first" { waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -1683 -1167 -127 ) 4.90 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -1613 -1802 -374 ) 5.00 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -807 -2590 -323 ) 5.10 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -321 -2384 -387 ) 5.20 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -65 -2934 -395 ) 5.30 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 83 -2263 -127 ) 5.40 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 700 -3093 -387 ) 5.50 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 700 -2263 -127 ) 5.60 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 1065 -2795 -387 ) 5.70 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 1120 -3233 -382 ) 5.80 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 1765 -2795 -387 ) 5.90 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 3030 -2755 -387 ) 6.20 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 4440 -2755 -387 ) 6.30 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe } if(local.position == "second") { waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -1683 -1401 -318 ) 5.95 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -1430 -2250 -369 ) 6.05 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -500 -2795 -395 ) 6.15 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -225 -3306 -383 ) 6.25 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 75 -2507 -387 ) 6.35 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 180 -3462 -387 ) 6.45 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 700 -2507 -387 ) 6.55 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 700 -3345 -127 ) 6.65 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 1171 -2357 -387 ) 6.75 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 1415 -2795 -387 ) 6.85 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 2325 -2755 -387 ) 7.15 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 3735 -2755 -387 ) 7.25 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 5145 -2755 -387 ) 7.35 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe } } if(local.pathname == "axis") { if(local.position != "second") // "first" { //waitframe //self thread dropbomb ( 4440 -2755 -387 ) 3.10 1700 55 500 local.position //waitframe //self thread dropbomb ( 3030 -2755 -387 ) 3.20 1700 55 500 local.position //waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -1683 -1167 -127 ) 5.30 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -1696 -472 -311 ) 5.40 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -2068 -41 -357 ) 5.50 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -2713 -41 -383 ) 5.60 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -3192 -10 -191 ) 5.70 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -3832 -127 -319 ) 5.80 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -4336 -607 -309 ) 5.90 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -4531 168 -319 ) 6.00 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -4895 376 -309 ) 6.10 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -5150 -826 -309 ) 6.20 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -5200 -20 -319 ) 6.30 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -5464 349 -309 ) 6.40 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -5856 489 -309 ) 6.50 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe } if(local.position == "second") { //waitframe //self thread dropbomb ( 5145 -2755 -387 ) 4.05 1700 55 500 local.position //waitframe //self thread dropbomb ( 3735 -2755 -387 ) 4.15 1700 55 500 local.position //waitframe //self thread dropbomb ( 2325 -2755 -387 ) 4.25 1700 55 500 local.position //waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -1696 -872 -309 ) 6.35 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -1837 -131 -309 ) 6.45 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -2434 -41 -396 ) 6.55 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -2990 -27 -319 ) 6.65 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -3486 141 -319 ) 6.75 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -4310 -20 -319 ) 6.85 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -4345 572 -309 ) 6.95 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -4856 -465 -309 ) 7.05 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -5180 595 -309 ) 7.15 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -5408 -477 -309 ) 7.25 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -5750 -20 -319 ) 7.35 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -5853 -527 -309 ) 7.45 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -6100 -20 -319 ) 7.55 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe } } if(local.pathname == "final") { if(local.position != "second") // "first" { waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 3382 2611 -395 ) 2.20 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 4315 2346 -405 ) 2.30 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 4520 1437 -403 ) 2.40 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 4520 437 -403 ) 2.50 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 4520 -563 -403 ) 2.60 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 4585 -1563 -403 ) 2.70 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 4440 -2755 -387 ) 2.85 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 3030 -2755 -387 ) 2.95 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 1765 -2795 -387 ) 3.20 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 1120 -3233 -382 ) 3.30 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 1065 -2795 -387 ) 3.40 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 700 -2263 -127 ) 3.50 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 700 -3093 -387 ) 3.60 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 83 -2263 -127 ) 3.70 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -65 -2934 -395 ) 3.80 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -321 -2384 -387 ) 3.90 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -807 -2590 -323 ) 4.00 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe } if(local.position == "second") { waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 3116 3248 -114 ) 3.15 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 3755 1995 -403 ) 3.25 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 4520 1937 -403 ) 3.35 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 4520 937 -403 ) 3.45 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 4520 -63 -403 ) 3.55 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 4520 -1063 -403 ) 3.65 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 4520 -2241 -303 ) 3.75 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 3735 -2755 -387 ) 3.90 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 2325 -2755 -387 ) 4.00 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 1415 -2795 -387 ) 4.25 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 1171 -2357 -387 ) 4.35 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 700 -3345 -127 ) 4.45 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 700 -2507 -387 ) 4.55 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 180 -3462 -387 ) 4.65 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( 75 -2507 -387 ) 4.75 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -225 -3306 -383 ) 4.85 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe self thread dropbomb ( -500 -2795 -395 ) 4.95 1700 55 500 local.position waitframe } } end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// splinepath_seenodes: local.node1 = spawn script_model local.node1 model "fx/corona_red.tik" local.node1.origin = ( -7904 -3376 1112 ) local.node1.scale = 5 local.node1 = spawn script_model local.node1 model "fx/corona_red.tik" local.node1.origin = ( -7257 -575 1112 ) local.node1.scale = 5 local.node1 = spawn script_model local.node1 model "fx/corona_red.tik" local.node1.origin = ( -6136 220 1112 ) local.node1.scale = 5 local.node1 = spawn script_model local.node1 model "fx/corona_red.tik" local.node1.origin = ( -2684 220 1000 ) local.node1.scale = 5 local.node1 = spawn script_model local.node1 model "fx/corona_red.tik" local.node1.origin = ( -1896 -198 1000 ) local.node1.scale = 5 local.node1 = spawn script_model local.node1 model "fx/corona_red.tik" local.node1.origin = ( -1308 -2064 1000 ) local.node1.scale = 5 local.node1 = spawn script_model local.node1 model "fx/corona_red.tik" local.node1.origin = ( -609 -2760 1000 ) local.node1.scale = 5 local.node1 = spawn script_model local.node1 model "fx/corona_red.tik" local.node1.origin = ( 1600 -2760 1000 ) local.node1.scale = 5 local.node1 = spawn script_model local.node1 model "fx/corona_red.tik" local.node1.origin = ( 4710 -2760 1496 ) local.node1.scale = 5 local.node1 = spawn script_model local.node1 model "fx/corona_red.tik" local.node1.origin = ( 6031 -1811 1496 ) local.node1.scale = 5 local.node1 = spawn script_model local.node1 model "fx/corona_red.tik" local.node1.origin = ( 6584 3344 1496 ) local.node1.scale = 5 ///// local.node1 = spawn script_model local.node1 model "fx/corona_red.tik" local.node1.origin = ( 4040 -927 1496 ) local.node1 solid local.node1.scale = 5 local.node1 = spawn script_model local.node1 model "fx/corona_red.tik" local.node1.origin = ( 4040 1379 1496 ) local.node1 solid local.node1.scale = 5 local.node1 = spawn script_model local.node1 model "fx/corona_red.tik" local.node1.origin = ( 1511 3344 1496 ) local.node1 solid local.node1.scale = 5 end