main local.origin local.angles local.r local.g local.b local.radius: local.bombtrig = spawn trigger_use targetname "explosive_tanktrig" local.bombtrig model "animate/pulse_explosive_pickup.tik" local.bombtrig.origin = local.origin local.bombtrig.angles = local.angles local.bombtrig setsize ( -20 -20 -20 ) ( 20 20 20 ) local.bombtrig light local.r local.g local.b local.radius local.bombtrig notsolid local.bombtrig show local.bombtrig.r = local.r local.bombtrig.g = local.g local.bombtrig.b = local.b local.bombtrig.radius = local.radius local.bombtrig setthread obj6 // keep "setthread" commands after "thread" and "setsize", just in case. end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// obj6: //$obj6 bombpickup. $grenade_trigger. $obj6b bombplant. $final_door. $door_2_triggeruse. $door_3_triggeruse. self nottriggerable local.player = parm.other if(local.player.inuse) { local.player iprint "Cannot use. You are holding something already." wait 1 self triggerable end } else { if(level.tankexplosives_dropped != 1) { $explosive_tanktrig message ("*** You have acquired some explosives. ***") } if(level.tankexplosives_dropped == 1) { $explosive_tanktrig message ("*** You have picked up some explosives. ***") } local.player.inuse = 1 $explosive remove $explosive_off show local.player playsound bombpickup1 local.player thread doit self.origin self.r self.g self.b self.radius } self triggerable end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// doit local.origin local.r local.g local.b local.radius: self iprint ("*** Plant the explosives on the tank.*** ") local.number = randomint 999999999 self attachmodel models/animate/pulse_explosive_pickup.tik "Bip01 R Thigh" 1 ("cig_1" + local.number) 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ( 0 0 3 ) //( -up +down, +forward -backward, +right -left ) local.static = spawn script_model local.static model "static/corona_reg.tik" local.static.scale = 0.001 local.static.origin = self.origin local.static notsolid local.static light local.r local.g local.b (local.radius + 15) local.static glue self local.static show local.static droptofloor level.hold_time = 9999 //huddraw_alpha 104 0 //huddraw_virtualsize 104 1 //huddraw_alpha 104 .8 //huddraw_font 104 "verdana-12" //huddraw_color 104 .5 0 0 //huddraw_rect 104 -200 222 200 14 //huddraw_string 104 "Explosives: Picking Up" $("cig_1" + local.number).angles = ( 0 180 20 ) self stufftext "say *** I have acquired the explosives! ***" $"explosive_tanktrig" nottriggerable waitframe $"explosive_tanktrig" remove //wait 0.5 //huddraw_string 104 "Explosives: Acquired" $obj6b triggerable local.result = self waitthread scan_player level.hold_time //cannot use self in "doit" if(local.result != left) { if(level.bomb_set != 1) { self.inuse = 0 $("cig_1" + local.number) remove self stufftext "say *** I dropped the explosives! ***" //huddraw_string 104 "Explosives: Dropped" local.static unglue local.static remove level.tankexplosives_dropped = 1 // only used to change center screen dialogue. $obj6b nottriggerable if(level.tankbomb_went2spectator != 1) { wait 0.5 } //huddraw_string 104 "" if(level.tankbomb_went2spectator == 1) { level.tankbomb_went2spectator = 0 goto main local.origin local.angles local.r local.g local.b local.radius } goto main self.origin self.angles local.r local.g local.b local.radius // "goto" command ends the current script immediately, and goes to a new one. } // "thread" begins a new script, and finishes the current one simultaneously. else if(level.bomb_set == 1) { self.inuse = 0 $("cig_1" + local.number) remove self stufftext "say *** I have planted the explosives! ***" //huddraw_string 104 "Explosives: Planted" local.static unglue local.static remove $obj6b nottriggerable //wait 0.5 //huddraw_string 104 "" } } end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// scan_player local.time: local.result = ok = self.dmteam local.count = 0 while(1) { if(self == NULL) { local.result = left end local.result } else { if(self.dmteam != || !isalive self || self.dmteam == spectator || level.bomb_set == 1) { if(self.dmteam == spectator || isalive self) { level.tankbomb_went2spectator = 1 } end local.result } if(self.dmteam == && isalive self && self.dmteam != spectator && level.bomb_set != 1) // optional else-statement for a player's maximum hold-time (controlled by "level.hold_time = 9999"). { local.count++ if((local.count / 10) >= local.time) { end local.result } } if(self.useheld == 1 && self istouching $obj6b && self.dmteam == && isalive self) { thread obj6b // $obj6b.origin should be about the same as $explosive_on.origin. end local.result } } wait 0.1 } end local.result //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// obj6b local.driveabletank: if (level.bomb_set == 1) end level.bomb_set = 1 if(local.driveabletank != 1) { $explosive_off hide $explosive_on show $explosive_on playsound plantedbomb $explosive_on loopsound bombticker local.bomblight = spawn script_model local.bomblight model "static/corona_reg.tik" local.bomblight.origin = $explosive_on.origin local.bomblight.scale = 0.01 local.bomblight light 1 0 0 80 local.bomblight notsolid waitthread global/items.scr::remove_item "explosives" $player stopwatch 5 wait 5.5 // $player stopwatch is not in sync with time. local.ent1 = spawn script_model //$tankdestroyed0a show local.ent1 model "vehicles/tigertank_d.tik" local.ent1.origin = $tank.origin // ( 724 -2684 -396 ) local.ent1.angles = $tank.angles // ( 0 -90 0 ) $tankdestroyed0b anim start //fancyfire underneath tank $tankdestroyed0c anim start $tankdestroyed0d anim start $tankexplosion0a anim start $tankexplosion0b anim start $tankexplosion0c anim idle waitframe $tankexplosion0c anim aaaa local.bomblight remove $explosive_on stoploopsound $explosive_on hide level.tank_idle_entity stoploopsound $tank stoploopsound $tank playsound explode_tank $tank.gun = $tank QueryTurretSlotEntity 0 $tank.gun2 = $tank QueryTurretSlotEntity 1 if ($tank.gun) { $tank DetachTurretSlot 0 $tank.gun remove } if ($tank.gun2) { $tank DetachTurretSlot 1 $tank.gun2 remove } $tank hide $explosive_on remove $explosive_off remove radiusdamage $tank.origin 1000 600 local.random0 = randomint(2) if(local.random0 == 0) { $tankexplosion0a playsound explode_building_large3 } if(local.random0 == 1) { $tankexplosion0a playsound explode_building_large4 } } level.flags[tank] = 1 $tank remove // the code below performs the other 4 explosions (3 are under the roofed buildings, one is at the oil barrels). setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext2" "Do 4 gun range objectives" setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext3" "to access final gun range." wait 0.15 radiusdamage ( 693 -3401 -387 ) 1000 600 radiusdamage ( 700 -2198 -387 ) 1000 600 radiusdamage ( 79 -2198 -387 ) 1000 600 $tankexplosion11a anim idle $tankexplosion11b anim start $tankexplosion12a anim idle $tankexplosion12b anim start $tankexplosion13a anim idle $tankexplosion13b anim start waitframe $tankexplosion11a anim aaaa //some emitters need to be turned back off immediately, otherwise player sees explosions again when going in/out of map bounds. $tankexplosion12a anim aaaa $tankexplosion13a anim aaaa local.random1 = randomint(2) if(local.random1 == 0) { $tankexplosion11a playsound explode_wood_small1 } if(local.random1 == 1) { $tankexplosion11a playsound explode_wood_small2 } local.random2 = randomint(2) if(local.random2 == 0) { $tankexplosion12a playsound explode_wood_small1 } if(local.random2 == 1) { $tankexplosion12a playsound explode_wood_small2 } local.random3 = randomint(2) if(local.random3 == 0) { $tankexplosion13a playsound explode_wood_small1 } if(local.random3 == 1) { $tankexplosion13a playsound explode_wood_small2 } exec maps/training_mapscripts/explosiveboxes.scr::blowup $m3replace show //replace the m3 halftrack destroyed by radiusdamage wait 1 local.barrelexplode1 = spawn func_crate "model" "*55" "origin" "69 -3127 -381" "$targetname" "explosive_barrel" "debristype" "-1" "#radius" "256" "#dmg" "300" "classname" "func_crate" local.barrellaunch2 = spawn func_crate "model" "*120" "origin" "197 -3296 -339" "$targetname" "explosive_barrel_launch" "debristype" "-1" "#radius" "256" "#dmg" "300" "#set" "6" "classname" "func_crate" local.barrellaunch3 = spawn func_crate "model" "*120" "origin" "12 -3330 -339" "$targetname" "explosive_barrel_launch" "debristype" "-1" "#radius" "256" "#dmg" "300" "#set" "7" "classname" "func_crate" thread global/barrel.scr::explosive_barrel radiusdamage ( 65 -3250 -250 ) 1000 800 wait 0.05 $tankexplosion21a anim idle $tankexplosion21b anim idle $tankexplosion22a anim idle $tankexplosion22b anim idle $tankexplosion_smoke1 anim start $tankexplosion_smoke2 anim start waitframe $tankexplosion21b anim aaaa $tankexplosion22b anim aaaa $door_2 unlock $door_3 unlock iprintlnbold "Both middle doors are now unlocked!" waitframe exec maps/training_mapscripts/uboatmapwalls.scr::modify mid 0 0 // local.wallname, local.solid (0/default or 1, 0 = notsolid), (0/default or 1, 0 = hide). exec maps/UBER_mapextras/training_cratesstuff.scr::midshow // make visible some crates/tables near the double doors after tank blows up. exec maps/training.scr::addremaining_levelspotorigins 0 // add a few more origins for lightbomb, grenade_ammo, snowball_ammo, etc. to spawn at after being triggered by a player. exec maps/training.scr::spawns_enable 0 // enable more player spawns for gunranges, disable a few to keep max spawn points at 20. level.objectives++ iprintlnbold ("Objectives completed: " + level.objectives + "/7 until the final door key spawns!") if (level.objectives == 7) { wait 1 iprintlnbold ("*** The final door is now active! Find the key to unlock it! ***") $final_doorlight light 1 .75 0 80 waitframe exec maps/training_mapscripts/finaldoor_keytrig.scr::finaldoorkey } wait 3 local.barrelexplode1 remove local.barrellaunch2 remove local.barrellaunch3 remove waitthread maps/training_mapscripts/explosiveboxes.scr::endfire 13 43.5 exec maps/training_mapscripts/tankexplosions.scr::removeemitters 0 0 // 0 or 1 = stop tank fire, 0 or 1 = remove tank fire. end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// barrels: //local.barrellaunch = spawn func_crate "model" "*120" "origin" "-150 -3100 -380" "$targetname" "explosive_barrel_launch" "debristype" "-1" "#radius" "256" "#dmg" "300" "#set" "7" "classname" "func_crate" //local.barrelexplode = spawn func_crate "model" "*55" "origin" "-150 -3200 -380" "$targetname" "explosive_barrel" "debristype" "-1" "#radius" "256" "#dmg" "300" "classname" "func_crate" //local.barreloil = spawn func_barrel "model" "*57" "origin" "-150 -3300 -380" "barreltype" "oil" "classname" "func_barrel" //model * numbers are found in map .bsp "notepad - search 'func_barrel'" thread global/barrel.scr::explosive_barrel radiusdamage ( -150 -3200 -380 ) 1000 800 //can only clone barrels if they exist in map already. but cloning them spams console with "lightmap rendered twice" errors. //must have "thread global/barrel.scr::explosive_barrel" after spawning clones. //spawn them in, but blow them up immediately with "radiusdamage" to avoid errors. //cheap and easy way to add barrel explosion, sound, and radius damage with only 3 code lines. end