TIKI setup { scale 0.52 // Set default scale to 16/30.5 since world is in 16 units per foot and model is in cm's path models/items/papers skelmodel papers.skd surface papers shader wehrpass } init { server { setsize "-4 -4 0" "4 4 4" classname InventoryItem name "Papers" rank 2 2 ammorequired 0 // unlimited usage firedelay 0.5 // delay between uses crosshair 0 movementspeed 2.5 dmmovementspeed 2.5 } } animations { visa papers_visa.skc idle papers.skc fire show_papers.skc { server { // we activate them every 10 frames so that the player // has a good chance of showing them to the AI even // if they're waving them around all silly like. 30 activatepapers 40 activatepapers 50 activatepapers 60 activatepapers 70 activatepapers } client { first stopaliaschannel snd_papers first sound snd_papers } } } /*QUAKED item_papers (0.5 0.5 1.0) (-8 -8 0) (8 8 16) German Papers. */