TIKI setup { scale 0.52 // Set default scale to 16/30.5 since world is in 16 units per foot and model is in cm's path models/vehicles/tigertank skelmodel tigercannon.skd surface material1 shader tigertank } init { server { classname VehicleTurretGun weapontype cannon name "TigerCannon" // turret settings idleCheckOffset "-56 0 0" // Primary fire type info projectile models/projectiles/tigercannonshell.tik firetype heavy meansofdeath rocket //bulletcount 1 usenoammo 1 firedelay 5 tracerfrequency 3 turnspeed 38 pitchcaps "-30 15 0" //scale 0.5 // DM Attributes dmfiredelay 5 SoundSet "tank_" } client { cache muzsprite.spr cache models/fx/muzflash.tik cache models/ammo/rifleshell.tik } } animations { exit tigercannon_exit.skc idle_open tigercannon_open.skc idle tigercannon.skc fire tigercannon_fire.skc { server { first shoot } client { entry stopaliaschannel tank_snd_fire first sound tank_snd_fire weapon 1.0 -1 0.95 0.1 // muzzle flash first tagdlight tag_barrel 0.25 0.2 0.05 110 0.11 first tagspawn tag_barrel ( scale 0.6 offsetalongaxis 3 0 0 count 1 model muzsprite.spr angles 0 0 crandom 25 life 0.06 ) first tagspawn tag_barrel ( count 1 scalemin 1.0 scalemax 1.5 model models/fx/muzflash.tik randomroll life 0.04 ) } } } /*QUAKED vehicle_german_tigertank_cannon (0.0 .0 0.0) (-60 -40 0) (60 40 128) Tiger Tank Cannon */