setup { scale 0.52 // Set default scale to 16/30.5 since world is in 16 units per foot and model is in cm's // scale 0.55 // Seems to work better than 0.52 path models/weapons/steilhandgranate skelmodel steilhandgranate.skd surface all shader stielhandgranate } init { server { classname Weapon weapontype grenade name "Stielhandgranate" rank 520 520 pickupsound steilhandgranate_snd_pickup ammopickupsound steilhandgranate_snd_pickup_ammo noammosound steilhandgranate_snd_noammo // Holstering info // holstertag "Bip01 Spine1" // holsteroffset "3.12 10.5 3.64" // holsterangles "20 -40 0" // holsterScale 1.0 // Primary fire type info (fast, arcing throw) firetype projectile ammotype "grenade" projectile models/projectiles/steilhandgranate_primary.tik semiauto clipsize 1 startammo 2 ammorequired 1 firedelay 0.75 maxchargetime 4.0 minchargetime 0.6 crosshair 0 quiet // don't notify AI of it being fired autoputaway 1 // automatically put the weapon away when out of ammo usenoammo 0 // don't allow it to be used when it has no ammo movementspeed 1.0 // Secondary fire type info (more controllable, straight throw) shareclip secondary firetype projectile secondary ammotype "grenade" secondary projectile models/projectiles/panzerIVshell.tik secondary clipsize 1 secondary ammorequired 1 secondary firedelay 0.75 secondary maxchargetime 1.5 secondary minchargetime 0.5 // AI animation group info weapongroup grenade // DM Attributes dmprojectile models/projectiles/steilhandgranate_primary.tik dmstartammo 2 dmammorequired 1 dmfiredelay 0.75 dmcrosshair 0 dmmovementspeed 1.0 secondary dmprojectile models/projectiles/panzerIVshell.tik secondary dmammorequired 1 secondary dmfiredelay 0.75 cache models/projectiles/panzerIVshell.tik models/projectiles/steilhandgranate_primary.tik } client { } } animations { raise steilhandgranate.skc { // if we're pulling out grenades, we've definatly got 'em server { enter surface all -nodraw } } idle steilhandgranate.skc { server { enter surface all -nodraw } } // this should make sure that it doesn't look like there's a grenade in hand when you don't have one idle_empty steilhandgranate.skc { server { enter surface all +nodraw } } charge steilhandgranate.skc { client { enter sound steilhandgranate_snd_grenade_pull weapon } } secondarycharge steilhandgranate.skc { client { enter sound steilhandgranate_snd_grenade_pull weapon } } fire steilhandgranate.skc { server { first shoot first surface all +nodraw // 15 surface all -nodraw } client { first sound steilhandgranate_snd_grenade_throw weapon } } secondaryfire steilhandgranate.skc { server { first shoot secondary first surface all +nodraw // 15 surface all -nodraw } client { first sound steilhandgranate_snd_grenade_throw weapon } } reload steilhandgranate.skc { server { 2 surface all -nodraw } } }