<><><> <><><> - This mod maintains most of the realism without modifying the main weapons too much, making a typical FFA/TDM/OBJ game much more interesting (and colorful). This mod adds new features to all multiplayer maps including and especially the Training map, with more stuff in the OBJ maps than the DM maps. Most importantly, this mod is easily customizable from the outermost map's .scr file. Some maps may be reaching too close to the max entity count of 1024 entities, such as Omaha Beach, The Bridge (obj), and Training. This max number seems to be hard coded in the game, so in order to run these maps with lots of players, some exec mods in the map script may or may not need to be commented out. For Training specifically, I recommend commenting out the "Fire Fields" exec mod and "Nazi Tunnel Base" exec mod (plus other triggers inside the tunnel) when using this map for a server with more than 6 players. All Training mods should work by yourself (no dedicated server), to test all available mods and decide which ones to omit for a public server. The modded menu skin (Press "Esc" in-game to open), adds monitor resolution related options and in-game display options, along with some scripting developer-only options. - I'm still working on adding mods to all the singleplayer maps, but m1l1 and m1l2a are mostly finished. All singleplayer maps have player spawns for both TDM and FFA gametypes, and all their map scripts have been neatly formatted for future mods. The AI actors and any incompatible targetnamed objects/triggers are removed for each map, including emptying and ending any setthreads that can be called by other entities in the map. Credit goes to the =ROCK= clan for the original modded map scripts and almost all of the player-spawn origins/angles (=ROCK= cplbilly, =ROCK= sklipnoty et al, formerly at www.rock.clanservers.com). Besides m1l1 and m1l2a, most of their singleplayer map code is still unedited (all found within the "setup" thread, and all threads below it). But eventually I'll be playing with their code too. All singleplayer maps have 3 info_player_deathmatch spawns for TDM matches only. These spawns are for spectators that just joined the TDM game, but haven't chosen a team yet. Instead of always spawning at the singleplayer's info_player_start spawn (only one for each map), now spectators spawn in the air facing eye-appealing areas of each map. - Lots more player pain and death sounds (see uberdialog.scr "//Player Pain" and "//Player Death"). All multiplayer maps have lots of red teleporters and crates across every map, just enough to access every physical area behind the walls (where you can walk around in). The crates create new bridges, standing areas, and barrier walls. The crate walls are mainly for blocking off a player's ability to shoot through a wall or floor when hiding in a tele-accessable area. The player may be able to see through some walls, but they won't be able to shoot through them. mohdm1, mohdm2, mohdm5, mohdm6, mohdm7 have a lower amount of crates and teles, since there aren't many accessable areas behind walls. In mohdm3 and mohdm4, however, players can stand inside many buildings if they have a crate or table floor, so there's many more crates and teles there. For obj_team1 (the hunt), there's a higher number of crates and tables than usual, and all roofs like in the DM maps are accessable. For obj_team2 (v2 rocket), there's a higher number of teles than crates, where many doors have teles that take the player across the map. Also, most ladders and metal staircases have teles nearby for faster traveling. For obj_team3 (omaha beach), theres teles on the boats and on the beach for allies to travel faster, and the entire left bunker has tables and stairs added inside. Invisible walls and barbwire prevent players from shooting through the ground, such as in obj_team3. For obj_team4 (the bridge), all teles, crates, tables, triggers, etc are almost identical to mohdm4. [origins for crates/teles for all maps are in maps/UBER_mapextras folder]. - Grenades are bigger and badder. rocket launchers are weak but allow for rocket jumping (fall damage is on). For the regular triggers, there are: grenade ammo, rocket ammo, toxic snowball ammo, light bomb, giant bomb, +200 health, living dog (revamped for better animations), blunt/cigarette, spotlights (now with all 4 mounted wall orientations), and LED dot traps. For the objective maps (most are not on The Bridge, since entity count is almost too high): timed airstrikes (lots of bombs), radiobomb-walkie triggers (one guy holds a radio, one guy holds or plants a bomb, hold USE with radio, blow up the bomb), medics & smoker medics, health tables, random crater explosions, and the ability to blow up the objectives with a radiobomb-walkie or a giant bomb without ending the game. - m1l1: With a radiobomb-walkie or giant bomb, the ceiling near the Axis spawn can be blown up, blocking the pathway below with debris. A tele spawns on both sides of the debris for players to travel around it. m1l2a: A laser door blocks off most of the Allies spawns near the flak88s. This door has explosives set up on the ground on both sides of the door. If shot at, the green lasers briefly flash to red, before becoming green again. Touching the door iprints to the player to try throwing a grenade at this door. With a grenade, the door can be blown up, opening up the pathway to the Allies spawn. The two flak88s can be used by players, similar to the flak88 in obj_team1 (The Hunt). With a radiobomb-walkie or giant bomb, the two flak88s can be blown up. The cluster of explosives in the basement of the Axis spawn building can also be blown up with a radiobomb-walkie or giant bomb. - For basebuilder, not much has changed since Version 6 of this mod, other than adding new parameters for easier modding/scripting. Since this version is more focused on FFA/TDM matches, basebuilding for all maps is commented out by default. However, the scripts are all still provided, in case you wish to have basebuilding first without guns, or even basebuild while shooting and playing TDM at the same time. No more wait-times for placing objects either; they are placed down instantly with Left/Right-click while holding the USE key. Whenever an object is placed, the object's coordinates and its yaw-angle (object.angles[1]) are iprinted to the player. This makes adding extra objects to maps much easier as a developer. alx_basebuild 0 to end basebuilding. alx_timeboost 120, alx_timeboost 100, alx_objectlimitboost 80, alx_objectlimitdown 60. - In-game menu skin: IMPORTANT : If you don't normally type in the console "set rconpassword PWORD" upon starting a server, or if an rconpassword isn't already set yet, change the rconpassword stuffcommand within zzzIn-game Menu Skin.pk3. Inside the file, go to the "ui" folder and open "mapswitch.urc" file. Scroll down a few lines to see "MAPS MENU (sets rconpassword) [Click This First]" and change the rconpassword in the stuffcommand "set rconpassword ...". - Elgan's admin pro: IMPORTANT: Inside the UBER V7.0 FFA TDM.pk3 file, go to the "Admin_menu" folder and open "rconpassword.cfg". Change the rconpassword to your desired server admin password. - There are lots of map specific mods, all information found in one of the readmes. The training map however is my signature map mod. It has just about all the mods that I've made for UBER V7.0 FFA/TDM, and serves as a training ground for any future modders. Just some examples: tentwall lasers, driveable tanks (simplified code a bit), beefed up obj6b explosion threads, explosive boxes, invisible uboat map walls, radio music triggers, lamp switches, truck sounds triggers, spotlight color switches, final door key trigger, sky platforms, an entire Nazi tunnel base (all in one script, ready to be spawned in with exec...), valve switches for moving objects, electrical switches for toggling alarms, fire field detonators with fuses (ignite the entire gun range), trench bombs (blow up the entire trench with a switch), final field bombs (blow up the mg42 gun range, blow up inside the cement windows), bangalore wall bombs (spawn these anywhere; one switch, one bangalore to blow up), airstrike radio triggers & airstrike bombs (call in an airstrike with a military radio, blow lots of stuff up), moveable table bridge with one of two valve switches, extra crate stuff (decorations are off by default due to 1024 max entities), extra teleporters (the ones that go behind walls are off by default). - Depending on the Training map's "tank_m3_replace.scr" and "obj6b_explosive_tanktrig.scr" scripts, the tank will either be "static" or "drive" for driveable. If "static", then the Allies will have explosives spawned inside one of their tents. These explosives must be taken deep inside the Axis spawn and planted on the tank. Once planted, everyone has 5 seconds to run away from the tank, the 3 hangars, and the green oil barrels before everything blows up. If "drive", "obj6b_explosive_tanktrig.scr" must be commented out (you won't need explosives anymore). Much more info in the respective readme. - Lastly, there's readme info on some of the other mods I've made and/or revamped: track.scr (the most useful simple script for developers and modders. This script continuously iprints your integer coordinates and yaw-angle, or player.angles[1]), tele.scr (highly modified and versatile new teles, only need one exec line in a map's .scr file to spawn in either one tele or a two-way tele), generic switch trigger scripts (alarm switch, cabinet open/close, detonator, electrical, enigma, lamp, train lever, valve, light switch), math.scr (this script holds the tried-and-tested sine and cosine math functions for spawning objects at any distance away from a desired object origin, for any desired yaw-angle ( pitch, yaw, roll )), flickerrotate.scr for all the triggers, aliascache_triggersounds.scr for holding all the triggers' scriptmasters, truckstuff_trig.scr for easily making triggerable and making destructible any opeltrucks laying around in single player, doorsgates.scr for easily allowing various wood/metal doors and gates, and shutters to open/close in single player maps, bonfire.scr for burning players that touch a fire emitter over time, guidedmissile/spawntrigger.scr, Elgan's server_planes/trigger.scr (added modelpair parameter for stuka_dsrt & stuka & c47, used math.scr to spawn missiles farther out on plane's wings), and jetpack/trigger.scr (revamped Elgan's jetpack mod and isolated all its scripts into one "trigger.scr" file, fixed flight vectors for easier flying, added level parameters at top of script for changing boost amounts and fuel depletion amounts). - ubersound.scr & uberdialog.scr: Both scripts have fixed the issues where some sounds are not playing in custom maps or some singleplayer maps, by adding all possible map-name characters in the soundparms' maps parameter ("0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z " instead of "m dm moh obj train "). Ideally, these scripts should be saved for keeping all the game's sounds for all maps. The uberdialog.scr script provides almost 100 custom multiplayer pain/death sounds (sounds come from various dialog across MOHAA campaign): 26 custom pain sounds and 65 custom death sounds, all found by searching "searingwolfe" in the .scr file. <><><> <><><> <><><> <><><> - https://www.mediafire.com/file/375zhj1vmmwobz2/uber_tdm-ffa-bb_v7.0_2022.zip/file <><><> <><><>