Music Mixes
Searingwolfe | BSP Decompiler

Brief Info

A BSP Decompiler makes an almost perfect restoration of the MOHRadiant's original .map file. Although there may be some data loss, wfowler1's decompiler below is the most accurate one by far.

To Use The Decompiler: LibBSP.sln must be compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (15.9 v14.16 latest v141) to obtain the required .dll. Decompiler.sln must also be compiled to obtain the .exe. Place both in the same folder.


Direct download link for is below if you cannot compile the projects due to errors. Inside the .zip: Decompiler.exe (315,904 bytes) and libBSP.dll (104,960 bytes). (166,403 bytes)


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