Music Mixes
Searingwolfe | MOHAA Server

MOHAA Reborn 1.12 Files & Useful Information


Searingwolfe's current MOHAA Reborn server:

=UBER MODS v7 TDM/FFA= Throwing Knife Mod v2 ... 0/64 players


To see all servers in the MOHAA game browser since 2014, get the Server Browser Fixer below (MOHGSFixer.exe - 175 KB - 179,200 bytes)

MOHGSFixer.exe (xNull Download Link)


To run your own MOHAA Reborn 1.12 server, the following router settings must be configured:

Connected Devices: Find your device or its MAC address: change DCHP to Reserved IP.

Port Management: Disable all rules and allow inbound traffic through (may be optional).

Port Forwarding: Enable


Add your server IP to (Link)

Before running a Reborn server, port-forward the following ports to your device's reserved IP:

TCP: 12203-12218, 28900, 29900-29901

UDP: 12203-12218, 3783, 6500, 6515, 6667, 12201-12202, 12300, 13139, 27900


Links to download MOHAA game files and server files:

MOHAA No-CD files, with Spearhead & Breakthrough

MOHAA Reborn 1.12 server files with RC3.5.1 patch.


Note: A bug in Reborn 1.12 still causes MOHAA_server.exe to crash in about 7 days (could not read "gamex86.dll"). Simply close and reopen the server periodically to avoid that issue.


If you want everything in one .zip, all MOHAA game & server files (both Windows & Linux) for a Reborn 1.12 server are below: (935 MB - 980,934,666 bytes) (Direct Download)



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