Searingwolfe | Pulsing Colors Visualization
Brief InfoPulsing Colors was a downloadable visualization for Windows Media Player. It featured lip-like wave shapes and many vivid colors in its presets. This visualization is no longer available on the Microsoft website. --------------- When playing downloaded .mp3 songs, the best way to check for true 320kbps surround-sound quality is by physically seeing the audio waveform. using the "Lip Sink" visualization preset, see if the waveform stretches all the way to both edges. If not, the audio file has less stereo and probably not 320kbps. Play .mp3 --> Right-click --> Visualizations --> PulsingColors --> Lip Sink --------------- Direct download link is below. Make sure "Size" in bytes are equal. Make sure .exe is signed by Microsoft. pulsingcolorsviz.exe (174,288 bytes) --------------- |